
Reimagining the Future of Employer-Sponsored Health Care to Drive Value: Survey Insights

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Employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) is the most common form of health insurance in the United States, providing coverage for approximately 180 million people, or roughly half of the US population, and accounting for more than $1 trillion in health-care spending annually. Employers are uniquely positioned to improve whole-person health by driving value in health-care quality, affordability, and equity through innovation that implements accountable care strategies. Despite the strong case for ESI reform in the US, employer attitudes toward ESI are not widely known or documented, presenting a key knowledge gap worthy of deeper investigation. To close this gap, the Milken Institute Public Health team conducted a survey to uncover trends shaping the complex ESI landscape.

This survey insights report details the responses of 72 employers across size, sector, and industry types who participated in the anonymous “Milken Institute Public Health Survey: Reimagining the Future of Employer-Sponsored Health Care to Drive Value.” Of note, respondents emphasized the following priorities presenting opportunities for future focus across the ecosystem to drive accountable care and improve health outcomes:

  • The importance of reductions in overall costs,

  • Prioritization of mental health resources,

  • A commitment to accessibility, and

  • Affordability for employees.

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