Lekha Nair

CEO, Seychelles Pension Fund

Lekha Nair is one of the most prominent public figures in the island nation of Seychelles. She has had a significant impact on the development of modern day Seychelles and its economy, overseeing the first-round of IMF macroeconomic reforms. She exercises notable influence as a leader in the economic development of the broader African region. Starting out as an Internal Audit Assistant in the Seychelles Ministry of Finance, Lekha is today the Chief Executive Officer of the island's sovereign pension fund. Between those two roles lies a career spanning over 40 years. After multiple roles in audit, she was appointed as the Principal Secretary for the Ministry of Finance, becoming the first woman to hold the post. In this role Lekha became one of the leaders in trade liberalisation successfully designing and delivering progressive fiscal, economic and trade policies and diversifying the economy to deliver sustained growth. She was the first Chief Executive Officer of the Public Officer's Ethics Commission, where she set up the ethics framework to deter corruption, drive good culture and integrity in the public service.