Secretary Chao leads a department of over 77,000 people with a budget of $88 billion. Previously, she served as Secretary of Labor, the first Asian American woman appointed to the President's cabinet in history. Secretary Chao has a distinguished career in the private, public, nonprofit sectors. She was a banker with Citicorp and Bank of America before working at the White House on trade and transportation issues. She then served as Deputy Maritime Administrator, Department of Transportation; Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission; and Deputy Secretary, Department of Transportation. She was also President and CEO of United Way of America and Director of the Peace Corps. Secretary Chao has noted the importance of innovation and infrastructure in boosting our nation's competitiveness, productivity, and prosperity. As Secretary of Labor, she focused on increasing the competitiveness of America's workforce, and achieved record results in workplace safety and health. Secretary Chao received her citizenship at the age of 19. The recipient of 37 honorary degrees, she earned her MBA from Harvard Business School and has been a director on several Fortune 500 corporate boards.