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Milken Institute Virtual Forum: Stablecoins: A Conversation with Industry Experts

Milken Institute Virtual Forum: Stablecoins: A Conversation with Industry Experts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET

Amid the bitcoin frenzy and a pandemic-driven move to cashless payments, digital currencies have gone from wonky curiosity to mainstream. Stablecoins, in particular, have garnered significant attention and praise for their mitigated volatility relative to other cryptocurrencies. The question remains as to who the most appropriate conduit between the public and these digital currencies should be. Should banks and their existing regulatory safeguards lead the charge? Should FinTechs and their nimble technology-driven approach take over? Or, could a hybrid approach give consumers the best of both worlds? Join us to discuss what the future of stablecoins should be.


Michael Piwowar
Executive Director, Center for Financial Markets, Milken Institute


Michael Demissie
Head of Digital Assets Unit and Advanced Solutions Group, BNY Mellon

Dante Disparte
Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Global Policy, Circle

Asiff Hirji
President, Figure

Kristin Smith
Executive Director, Blockchain Association

Milken Institute Virtual Forums

In light of the global pandemic, the Milken Institute has expanded our convening ability to include a wide variety of virtual engagement opportunities. Our Virtual Forums gather our global community of thought leaders and issue-area experts to tackle a wide range of critical issues, many stemming from the impacts of COVID-19, such as vaccine development and distribution, loneliness and social isolation, remote learning, retirement security, and more. Each Virtual Forum is broadcast to a curated group of invited participants that are able to interact with the expert panel through moderated audience Q&A, while also being livestreamed to a global audience via the Milken Institute website and social media.
