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Dec. 7 at 9:30 am ET | Where Are We and Where We Are Headed with Patient Engagement in Research?

Dec. 7 at 9:30 am ET | Where Are We and Where We Are Headed with Patient Engagement in Research?

In the last decade, patient engagement in medical research emerged as a priority in the biomedical research ecosystem. Much progress has been made, with better integration of patients, data, and perspectives into biomedical R&D, and the production and utilization of patient health data has expanded. COVID-19, along with social justice and equity movements, is transforming how biomedical R&D is conducted. But how are these trends shaping patient engagement? How are research partners ensuring representative study populations as the research landscape is shifting? Innovations are acknowledged, but what persistent challenges must be addressed? This discussion will highlight how patient engagement has evolved as panelists review initiatives currently shaping the field and emerging innovations influence patient engagement. Comparing advances in expanding diversity, equity, and inclusion for minority representation in R&D, they will predict likely patient engagement trends.

Part I

Opening Remarks

Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute; Chairman, Prostate Cancer Foundation

Esther Krofah
Executive Director, Milken Institute FasterCures and Center for Public Healt

Part II


Jennifer Bright
Executive Director, Innovation and Value Initiative


Jen Horonjeff
Founder and CEO, Savvy Cooperative


Kristin Carman
Director, Public and Patient Engagement, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Pat Furlong
President and CEO, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

Theresa Mullin
Associate Director for Strategic Initiatives, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration

Anthony Yanni
Senior Vice President and Global Head of Patient Centricity, Astellas
