
Capital Access in Israel's Underserved Markets

In 2014 the Milken Institute convened a Financial Innovations Lab® on the topic of how to build mechanisms for financial inclusion. Unlike a number of previous Labs that have focused on easing barriers to capital for entrepreneurs and small...
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Stimulating Investment in Emerging-Market SMEs

In February 2009, the Milken Institute held a Financial Innovations Lab in New York City to explore ways to increase the availability of risk capital to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. Risk capital—that...
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Ensuring State and Municipal Solvency

The Milken Institute and the Kauffman Foundation hosted a Financial Innovations Lab in July 2010. Unlike any previous meeting addressing current conditions in state and municipal finance, the Lab brought together a diverse group of state...
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Biodiversity Conservation in Israel

The time has come for Israel to join the ranks of both developed and emerging nations around the world that have adopted biodiversity financing programs. The programs now in place include watershed and wetland protection, water services...
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