
Financial Innovations for Freshwater Revitilization: Transboundary Project Finance in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority

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To examine the State Revolving Fund (SRF) model and its potential applications in the Middle East, the Milken Institute held a Financial Innovations Lab in November 2008 in Jerusalem. More than forty industry professionals, scientists, ministry officials, capital market investors, water engineers, and environmental experts attended from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, and the United States. The session examined possible incentives and regulatory mechanisms that could offset the longstanding problems of refuse, sewage, and environmental neglect affecting the region’s transboundary river basins. Among the U.S. delegation were experts responsible for the creation of numerous SRFs in their home states, who explained the infrastructure and financing integral to the success of their programs. Participants also discussed regulatory, technological, and financial models that could generate water revitalization and economic growth in local economies.

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