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Partnerships for Public Purpose: The New PPPs Transforming Public Health

2022 Milken Institute Global Conference

Partnerships for Public Purpose: The New PPPs Transforming Public Health

Tuesday, May 03, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Citi Terrace
The lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate that public health measures touch nearly all levels of society, creating a shared sense of mission with a partnership point of view. The private sector has already confirmed its role as an agent of public health in times of emergency. The new model of Partnerships for Public Purpose (PPP) evolves beyond traditional Public-Private Partnerships, emphasizing sustainable, systemic impact with aligned goals and clearly defined roles to ensure the public good. This new PPP model is poised to prepare for, and respond to, future emergencies while strengthening our public health system in times of nonemergency. Panel members will explore the value proposition, the investment impact, and the role private-sector leaders might play as we rebuild public-health infrastructure and sustainably tackle system-level priorities in the US and the world.