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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Financial Innovations Labs

What We Do

Financial Innovations Labs® tackle funding gaps around specific economic development issues by holding a microscope to the problems and analyzing them from every angle.


Impact of Financial Innovations Labs


helped design over USD 3 billion in innovative investment funds focused on bridging financing gaps in various sectors, from biotech to agriculture.


helped design a pooled donor fund with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, which resulted in improved health outcomes for 20 million children.

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worked with a coalition of donors to spur agricultural improvement in Africa resulting in reduced Aflatoxin contamination of Maize crops.

Our Process

The team conducts comprehensive financial R&D, which includes a landscape analysis and review of gating issues, as well as ideation of possible solutions. Key stakeholders are then convened in an intensive all-day working session to share best practices and promote buy-in for new models. The team generates a summary report which facilitates idea implementation and serves as an easy-to-reference shared record. Finally, new ideas generated at the Lab are profiled at other Institute convenings, further magnifying the impact.

Our Featured 2023 Global Conference Livestream Panel
Making Net-Zero Possible
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Featured Article
Capital Deployment: The Four Things We Need to Do This Decade to Get Climate Right

Read the four steps to maximize the outcome and momentum from the recent marquee commitments. 

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Growing the US Green Bond Market: Lab 2

How investors and issuers alike are looking for new tools to protect California from increasingly devastating environmental disasters.

New Approaches to Long-Term Care

Long-term care (LTC) is one of the nation’s most pressing challenges. A recent Financial Innovations Lab, in collaboration with the Center for the Future of Aging, produced a new report highlighting promising solutions to the gaps in care.

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