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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Session Listing

January 10–12, 2023
Public Finance Forum
Anchoring Equity and Innovation
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Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Thursday, January 12, 2023

VIP Reception (Invite only)
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM EST

07:00 AM - 06:00 PM EST
07:30 AM - 08:30 AM EST
A Conversation with US Senator Bill Hagerty
08:00 AM - 08:20 AM EST
Welcome Remarks
Richard Ditizio
CEO, Milken Institute
Bill Hagerty
US Senator, Tennessee
Conrad Kiechel
Executive Director, Global Programming and Events, Milken Institute

Permanent disruption appears to be the new normal for American life. Our opening panel brings together cross-sectoral perspectives to help forecast and prepare for the complex and shifting landscape ahead, focusing on economic, geopolitical, and technological trends and challenges. 

Karen Kornbluh
Founding Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative; Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States; former US Ambassador, OECD
Esther Dyson
Founder, Wellville
James "Spider" Marks
Major General (Ret.); Advisor, Academy Securities; CNN Commentator
Alec Phillips
Chief Political Economist, Goldman Sachs Research

Join us for a deep dive dialogue with two dynamic state treasurers to find common ground on the key issues facing their states, from pension fund investing and infrastructure finance, to workforce development and inclusion. 

Caitlin MacLean
Senior Director, Innovative Finance, Milken Institute
Rachael Eubanks
State Treasurer, State of Michigan
Kelly Mitchell
55th State Treasurer, State of Indiana

Too often, siloed approaches to improve outcomes in under-served communities have failed to move the dial, create community wealth, or effectively manage the gentrification effects on existing residents as new investments take place. This expert panel will examine how innovators are partnering to build new models and use new federal funding to catalyze innovative delivery and deployment systems at the frontlines.

Mary Ellen Wiederwohl
President and CEO, Accelerator for America
George Ashton
President, LISC Fund Management; Managing Director of Strategic Investments, LISC
Dana Bezerra
CEO, Greater Share
Amy Liu
Vice President and Director, Brookings Metro
Nathan Ohle
President and CEO, International Economic Development Council

Even with increases in federal and state spending since the Pandemic, many under-served communities still find it hard to access federal and state programs. Meanwhile, mission-oriented, muni, impact, and institutional investors are eager to find worthwhile projects for investment in emerging markets…in America. Hear direct from investors what it will take to build a growing pipeline of investable projects in rural and urban neighborhoods in the US. 

Suzanne Shank
President and CEO, Siebert Williams Shank & Co.
Jessica Bailey
President and CEO, Nuveen Green Capital
Aron Betru
Chief Strategic Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Trident
Hector Negroni
Founder and CEO, Foundation Credit
Jim Sorenson
Founder and Chairman, Sorenson Impact Foundation

COVID relief exposed multiple weaknesses in city government services—from delivery systems for check-writing to resource allocation to IT and data management. Learn more about new efforts to reform and improve municipal services in ways that will deliver 21st century results.

Lois Scott
President, Epoch Advisors
Ahmed Abonamah
Chief Financial Officer and Director of Finance, City of Cleveland, Ohio
Mohamed Balla
Chief Financial Officer, City of Atlanta, Georgia
Brent Bryant
Finance Director, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mary Beth Thompson
Chief Financial Officer, Salt Lake City, Utah
Richard Ravitch Public Finance Initiative
11:20 AM - 11:25 AM EST
Opening Remarks
Michael Piwowar
Executive Vice President, MI Finance, Milken Institute
William Glasgall
Senior Director of Public Finance, Volcker Alliance

Muni bonds fund about two thirds of all US community infrastructure projects, from schools to sewers to cyber systems. This panel looks at best practices for bond issuers and investors to ensure that these public assets are high performing over their life cycle.

Ritta McLaughlin
Director of Investor Education and Community Outreach, FINRA Investor Education Foundation
Maressa Brennan
Director, Innovative Finance, Milken Institute
Manish Dutta
Co-Founder and CEO, Alphaledger
Lourdes Germán
Executive Director, The Public Finance Initiative
Ben Watkins
Director, Division of Bond Finance, State of Florida
Lunch Plenary
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM EST
Part 1: A Conversation with Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy John Podesta
12:00 PM - 01:05 PM EST
John Podesta
Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation
John Harwood
Journalist; former CNN White House Correspondent
Part 2: A Conversation with Cleveland Mayor Justin M. Bibb and US Representative Haley Stevens
01:10 PM - 01:30 PM EST
Justin M. Bibb
Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio
Haley Stevens
US Representative, Michigan
Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute
Networking Break
01:30 PM - 02:00 PM EST

How can up to 10,000 US communities accelerate their project pipeline through regional innovation, blending capital sources, and sharing talent? This exciting session will feature an opening panel on cross-sectoral collaboration, followed by a round-robin of ‘speed-dating’ idea generation between project sponsors, federal and state agency officials, and investors. 

Dan Carol
Senior Director, Center for Financial Markets, Milken Institute
Stephen Benjamin
President and CEO, The Benjamin Firm; 44th Mayor, City of Columbia, South Carolina (2010-2021)
Collin O'Mara
President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation
Elizabeth Reich
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Lynn von Koch-Liebert
Executive Director, California Strategic Growth Council
CFO Forum (Invite only)
02:00 PM - 04:45 PM EST

Chatham House sessions with attending major city CFOs.

Ben McAdams
Former Representative, Utah's 4th Congressional District
Brett Theodos
Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center

This session will explore proposed solutions for improving access to federal programs for grants and loans to under-served populations. Are there shared strategies for SBA, SSBCI, EPA and other federal infrastructure and economic development programs that can overcome similar access challenges?

How can we work together to accelerate the development of a stronger pipeline of investible projects in the US? Key topics this session will cover include permitting improvement at all levels—federal, state, and local; managing the ongoing energy transition, the integration of digital and traditional infrastructure, and key lessons learned abroad. 

Networking Break
04:45 PM - 05:00 PM EST
Closing Plenary | Financing Sustainable Investment
05:00 PM - 05:45 PM EST
Part 1: A Conversation with Economic Secretary to the Treasury Andrew Griffith MP, HM Treasury, United Kingdom
05:00 PM - 05:20 PM EST
Right Honorable Andrew Griffith
Economic Secretary to the Treasury, HM Treasury, United Kingdom
Michael Piwowar
Executive Vice President, MI Finance, Milken Institute
Part 2: A Conversation with US Department of Energy Loan Programs Director Jigar Shah
05:20 PM - 05:45 PM EST
Jigar Shah
Director, Loan Programs Office, US Department of Energy
Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute
Public Finance Forum Reception
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM EST

07:30 AM - 04:00 PM EST
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM EST
Global Debt Sustainability
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM EST

Global debt levels are at historically high levels. Regardless of economic level, countries around the world are now faced with a series of (to varying degrees) difficult choices. If policymakers don't get these choices right, prosperity, further economic development and social cohesion could be at risk. Various entities, including the WBG/IMF, G-20, G-7, have established frameworks to try to address these challenges, including the Debt Service Suspension Initiative, the Common Framework for Debt Treatments, and other ad-hoc approaches like Collective Action Clauses. The efficacy of these approaches remains an open question, as do broader concerns related to lack of transparency and the intentional use of debt as a foreign policy tool. What more can be done by policymakers to tackle these challenges? What role can investors and financial institutions play in fostering a more equitable and efficient sovereign debt architecture? 

Karen Kornbluh
Founding Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative; Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States; former US Ambassador, OECD
Curtis S. Chin
Chair, Milken Institute Asia Center; Former US Ambassador, Asian Development Bank
Anna Gelpern
Anne Fleming Research Professor; Professor of Law, Georgetown University
French Hill
US Representative, Arkansas
Clay Lowery
Executive Vice President, Institute of International Finance

Blockchain technology is a prime example of Finfrastructure: the intersection of FinTech and infrastructure. The internet we know today has been built on a global network of servers, fiber optics, and electrical grids that leverage private and public finance. As the internet economy deploys blockchain technology, decentralized cryptographic ledgers will serve as another key infrastructural component in the emerging Web3. Already we are seeing mayors, municipalities, and states leveraging blockchain technology for data storage, identity, and public services. In this session we will explore how this new technology will be governed, how can blockchains be operated sustainably, what unexpected public use cases are emerging for Web3. We will hear from global blockchain innovators, thought leaders, and regulators.  

Nicole Valentine
FinTech Director, Center for Financial Markets, Milken Institute
Michael Arrington
CEO, Arrington Capital
Osho Jha
Co-Founder and CEO, dClimate
Jaime Leverton
CEO, Hut 8 Mining
Accelerators Meeting (Invite only)
09:05 AM - 12:00 PM EST

An annual meeting of leading start-up technical assistance groups, stakeholders, funders, and partners to help identify deployment gaps and strategies.

Shaun Donovan
Senior Fellow, Ford Foundation; former US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
CFO Forum (Invite only)
09:05 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Chatham House sessions with attending major city CFOs.

This session will highlight the power of public private partnerships for disaster response, preparedness, and infrastructure resiliency. What are some lessons learned from these countries and how will government public finances need to be prepared, investing in resilient infrastructure and recovery response?

Jay Koh
Co-Founder and Managing Director, The Lightsmith Group
Kathy Baughman McLeod
Senior Vice President, Atlantic Council; Director, Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center
Valeria Ramundo Orlando
Managing Partner, Greensquare Ventures
Stacy Swann
CEO and Founding Partner, Climate Finance Advisors, BLLC

Pension funds around the globe invest in infrastructure development. What are some of the challenges and opportunities that investors are facing? What are best practices to manage project risks and investor returns?

Andrew Siwo
Director of Sustainable Investments and Climate Solutions, New York State Common Retirement Fund
Kristina Koutrakos
Director of Portfolio Strategy, Virginia Retirement System
Tim Reese
CEO, Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Lawrence Slade
CEO, Global Infrastructure Investor Association

With global conflicts and climate challenges, the shift is on to net zero and other energy transition technologies across every industrial sector. Capital is quickly chasing opportunities in investments with a more straightforward path towards decarbonization, such as renewables and EVs. But what other carbon-intensive sectors offer sustainable investment opportunities? Which face the highest barriers? Hear from investors and policy-makers about their strategies for net zero investing.

Kerry Duggan
Founder and CEO, SustainabiliD
Mercedes García Pérez
Head of Global Issues and Innovation, Delegation of the European Union to the United States
Pooja Jain
Vice President of Strategic Innovation, WSP USA
Dawn Lippert
CEO, Elemental
Rich Powell
CEO, ClearPath

Soon it will be three years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet global economic recovery keeps stalling. Just a few of the challenges ahead are high inflation rates, the need to provide a social safety net, and employment. Other looming issues for which solutions are bound to be less than popular include tax reforms, price hikesand so on and on. Get the inside story from a conversation between fiscal and monetary policy experts who will open your eyes and ears to the ins and outs of sovereign debt and the importance of bridging social inequalities. 

Introductory Remarks
Michael Piwowar
Executive Vice President, MI Finance, Milken Institute
David Malpass
President, World Bank Group
Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute
Networking Break
01:30 PM - 02:00 PM EST
Final Accelerators Session on Shared Services (Invite only)
02:00 PM - 03:15 PM EST

African countries and other frontier and emerging markets are facing an ever-higher number of urgent challenges requiring meaningful government spending and intervention, including the global headwinds posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, food security threats, and population growth as well as increasing climate exposure requiring massive infrastructure investment. Fiscal space is tighter than ever. Since 2006, African countries have engaged in enthusiastic issuance of Eurobonds on international markets to finance national development prioritiesa strategy which puts fiscal strain on governments and is vulnerable to exchange rate swings. Looking ahead, how can African countries find more sustainable ways to mobilize public and private financing around long-term investments in critical sectors such as infrastructure, health, and agriculture, while reducing their reliance on external financing and shoring up financial resilience?

Matthew Aleshire
Director, Government Affairs, Milken Institute
Shannon Stroud
Director, Global Market Development, Milken Institute
Slav Gatchev
Managing Partner, Sustainable Debt, The Nature Conservancy
Rajakumari Jandhyala
Managing Partner and Founder, YAATRA Ventures
Karen Kornbluh
Founding Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative; Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States; former US Ambassador, OECD
Jennifer Pryce
President and CEO, Calvert Impact Capital
John Simon
Founding Partner, Total Impact Capital
Networking Break
03:15 PM - 03:30 PM EST

The flow of trade between the US and Mexico is continuously expanding. The Latino economic output in 2020 reached $2.8 trillionglobally, the fifth largest economy by GDP. The bilateral relationship calls for peak optimization to strengthen the bond between the US and Mexico economies further. During this discussion, panelists will focus on the need for public-private investment in digital infrastructure, as well as systems allowing a smoother flow of goods and services between the two countries.