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Session Listing

October 17 - 20, 2021
Global Conference
Charting a New Course
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Sunday, October 17, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
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Business & Industry
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Financial Markets
Health & Medical Research
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Philanthropy & Social Impact
Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Regions & Developing Markets
Society & Culture
Sustainability & Environment
Technology & Innovation

Global Conference Registration
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM PDT
Hilton Lobby
The Asia Pacific region is teeming with economic opportunities, but also rife with escalating geopolitical tensions. Countries are increasingly having to balance between deepening economic and financial ties with one another while seeking to minimize negative spillover effects from contentious political relations and new regional security alliances. How can Asia's business and government leaders advance an agenda of economic cooperation in the shadow of geopolitical challenges? In which areas can countries in the Asia Pacific region come together to accelerate economic and financial ties?
Regions & Developing Markets
What Matters Now (Invite only)
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Wilshire Garden
In this annual series of fireside chats, VIPs and C-suite representatives from among the world's leading asset-owner and asset-management firms gather with attendees in a casual setting to join in open dialogue.
Business & Industry Financial Markets Philanthropy & Social Impact
Leaders in Finance (Invite only)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM PDT
This annual gathering of leaders at the Global Conference will focus on pathways to achieving robust economic growth and wealth building for all Americans. This off-the-record session allows participants—including members of Congress, administration officials, and CEOs of leading corporations and financial institutions—to engage in an informative, candid dialogue focused on innovative solutions to some of the most pressing economic challenges facing the United States.
Financial Markets Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Leaders in Health (Invite only)
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
This annual gathering of leaders at the Global Conference will examine policy priorities and investments that will be required in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to accelerate biomedical innovation, address public health challenges, and promote healthy aging. This off-the-record session allows participants—including members of Congress, administration officials, and CEOs of leading corporations—to engage in an informative, candid dialogue.
Health & Medical Research Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Part 1: Carlyle Group Co-Founder David Rubenstein | Part 2: Meet the Author: David Rubenstein "The American Experiment"
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Poolside - West
Financial Markets
Join us for an annual, exclusive gathering for Institute supporters, speakers, and special guests on the eve of the Global Conference. Admission is by invitation only.
Welcome Reception
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Poolside - West
Milken Institute Young Leaders Circle Welcome Reception Hosted by Wheelhouse Entertainment (Invite only)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
Wheelhouse LA - 830 N Orlando Avenue, Los Angeles
For the opening night of its Global Conference, the Milken Institute invites you for cocktails and conversation with its Young Leaders Circle, hosted by Wheelhouse Entertainment. The evening will bring together like-minded creators, innovators, and industry leaders at Wheelhouse's flagship LA home, a creative lab by day and social hotspot by night where entrepreneurial minds intersect to form relationships, partners, and ventures.

Rise and Flow Yoga
6:00 AM - 6:45 AM PDT
Wellness Garden
Experience the benefits of waking up to yoga as you stretch your body, awaken your mind, and fuel your spirit. Salute the sun with a smile and gracefully work out all the kinks and tightness from your night's sleep. You'll feel energized, have amazing mental clarity, and will be ready to flow through your day with ease.
Global Conference Registration
6:00 AM - 8:30 PM PDT
Hilton Lobby
Workout with Dogpound
6:30 AM - 7:15 AM PDT
Dogpound - 627 N. Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

This 45-minute workout led by Dogpound's elite trainers will address full body conditioning movements designed to improve performance, enhance mobility, and build strength. Each of Dogpound's daily sessions will leave you feeling strong, energized, and balanced within body and mind.

*A complimentary shuttle will leave the Beverly Hilton at 6:00am to the Dogpound West Hollywood location (627 N Robertson Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069) and return after the class.

Please join us for a private breakfast and intimate conversation with EY's current Global Chairman and CEO, Carmine Di Sibio, and EY's former Global Chairman and CEO, Mark Weinberger. These friends and former colleagues will share their insights around leading a global organization, from sustaining company culture and driving growth, to transitions at the top.
Continental Breakfast
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden and Executive Center Foyer
Breakfast Breakthroughs | The Longevity Experiment
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden
As we learn about human gene activity, modification of microbial genetic information, the human microbiome, and the metabolism of experience in consciousness, a new science of longevity is emerging. Deepak Chopra will share insights from the intersection of cutting-edge science and the wisdom traditions of the world.
Health & Medical Research
Global Capital Markets: At a Crossroad
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
International Ballroom

The 2021 Milken Institute Global Conference will open with welcoming remarks from Milken Institute CEO, Michael Klowden, followed by a presentation from Harris Poll CEO, John Gerzema on the release of The Milken Institute Harris Poll 2021 Listening Project, examining priority issues of global citizenry and identifying the types of business leaders we need to both drive growth and foster a more just world.

These opening remarks will be followed by a panel discussion on Global Capital Markets.

Last year saw one of the deepest and shortest recessions in history. However, although extraordinary fiscal and monetary stimulus was unavoidable to dampen the economic burden of the pandemic, it has rekindled the debate of "How much is too much?" After more than a decade of almost constant accommodative monetary policy, is there a way back to markets independent of stimulus? What is the role of capital markets in addressing societal issues? And are there solutions to growing dislocations and divides?

Business & Industry
Post-Pandemic Recovery: Global Health and the Economy
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Oasis Pavilion

The 2021 Milken Institute Global Conference will open with welcoming remarks from Milken Institute CEO, Michael Klowden, followed by a presentation from Harris Poll CEO, John Gerzema on the release of The Milken Institute Harris Poll 2021 Listening Project, examining priority issues of global citizenry and identifying the types of business leaders we need to both drive growth and foster a more just world.

These livestreamed opening remarks will be followed by a panel discussion on Post-Pandemic Recovery: Global Health and the Economy.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying economic challenges have been felt around the world. The recovery has begun, but to date those efforts have produced asymmetrical results. Alongside an intensifying effort to quickly vaccinate as many people as possible, significant resources are being put behind reinvigorating economies and advancing recovery plans. How is the complex relationship between the public and private sectors working to increase investment, expand infrastructure, and improve health and economic outcomes? This panel will explore what innovations, technologies, and partnerships are being leveraged to accelerate recovery at the local, national, and global levels, while also addressing what more can be done to ensure an equitable recovery.

Health & Medical Research
An experience which encompasses the integration of mindful movement, restorative poses, essential oils, reiki, and in-body meditations. While these can be done either seated or lying down, it is the integration of these modalities which lends itself to a balance of mind, body, and breath. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes each.
Africa 2050: Global Powerhouse of the Future
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
Fifteen to 20 million increasingly well-educated young adults are expected to join the African workforce every year for the next three decades, thereby elevating youth as the most significant asset driving the continent's Fourth Industrial Revolution. This demographic reality will not only define the 21st century for the entire planet but will also provide strong investment opportunities. Africans are now taking action to establish strong social institutions and inclusive economic opportunities by reducing poverty, expanding access to better quality health care, and educating its emerging young workforce to fill the tens of millions of new jobs they are seeking to create. This session will explore the economic dynamism and energy already breaking through in African and will examine ways to harness its full potential as the next decades unfold.
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity
Artificial intelligence, big data, digital devices, and other technological advances that once seemed the province of futurists are changing the scope and delivery of health services, medical information, and access to care. Will these cutting-edge tech tools also transform how we age? Will access to these innovations be democratized, or will the gulf between haves and have-nots widen? Experts from across sectors will explore the breakthroughs that are now being adopted or are on the way, and the policy and ethical issues that will arise as we integrate them into existing systems and our lives.
Health & Medical Research Technology & Innovation
How FinTech Can Increase Economic and Social Mobility
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
Traditional financial institutions have been successful in many ways, but they have struggled to meet the needs of millions of Americans in underserved communities. Too many households remain unbanked or underbanked. Too many small businesses do not have adequate access to capital for support and growth. FinTechs offer the promise of lower costs and greater innovation. However, financial regulators must remain vigilant about potential problems such as algorithmic biases in lending decisions. Traditional financial institutions, FinTech innovators, and financial regulators have an incredible opportunity to work together to harness the power of FinTech to increase economic and social mobility.
Financial Markets Technology & Innovation
Investing in a Sustainable Business Transition
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
The environmental imperatives for business and investment leaders today are more complex than ever before. All stakeholders—including investors, consumers, employees, and suppliers—are playing a fundamental role in transitioning companies and portfolios to address sustainability directly. It's time to identify the actions required to drive larger pools of capital in aligning incentives, as well as to drive long-term performance, both financial and environmental. Targets of net-zero are abundant: Let's look at what action is actually taking place and who is doing it. We need to decide where we go from here.
Financial Markets Sustainability & Environment
Leadership for Food Sustainability
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden
The United Nations recently held a Food Systems Summit, launching new actions to deliver progress on 17 Sustainable Development Goals to support a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable food system. How are leaders across sectors planning to take action? This panel will feature leaders sharing their vision for implementing the changes needed to transform the way the world produces, consumes, and thinks about food.
Business & Industry Sustainability & Environment
Leading Through Change
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
International Ballroom
The past year and a half has pushed leadership's boundaries and expectations—from expanding the concept of corporate responsibility to managing a workforce that shifted to remote work virtually overnight. How are business leaders meeting their goals in an ever-changing, unpredictable economy? And how can corporate America provide solutions to the pressing issues of sustainability, diversity, and inclusion?
Business & Industry
Reimagining K-12 Education
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Education systems across the country were forced to take up remote learning as they grappled with questions of how and when to reopen schools safely. Amidst the crisis, issues of equity and access were brought to the fore, and the purely logistical questions of 'how and when' evolved into the ethical questions of 'for whom and why.' In the wake of this crisis, these panelists have emerged as leaders at the cutting edge of reimagining K-12 education. What is the future of K-12? How can we reimagine a system that prioritizes equity, innovation, and resilience now and for generations to come?
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
The Future of Cities
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
The pandemic has challenged most cities to respond to massive, sudden shifts in health care, public safety, housing, transportation, and more. Now, as cities shift from response to recovery, and as civic leaders reconsider the role of the city, it's clear that the traditional "urban core" is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic uses. Too often, previous urban paradigms have prioritized automotive-first transportation and commercial downtown centers as the economic center. Given the changing needs and demands, there is an opportunity to reshape how a city serves its constituents. Crucially, this could include designing new infrastructure to accommodate families, accommodate the unhoused, and provide an environment that allows local businesses and emerging creative talent to flourish. Panelists will explore modular and creative community infrastructure and how it might reshape the city as we know it.
Policy, Politics, & Regulation Society & Culture Sustainability & Environment
The World Bank has forecast that the economic cost of the COVID-19 pandemic could result in a global GDP shortfall of $10 trillion between 2020 and 2021. Looking ahead to 2022, it expects global GDP to remain below its pre-pandemic projections. Sustained investment in a global early warning system for pathogenic threats is needed if we are to overcome the persistent cycle of "panic and neglect"—massive investment during a crisis, followed by a precipitous decline in funding as soon as the threat is over. What incentives are needed to motivate governments, the private sector, and philanthropic organizations to invest in early warning surveillance?
Financial Markets Health & Medical Research

Trillions of dollars were gained in personal wealth by Americans throughout the pandemic, though this was not the case for the tens of millions with the least wealth, who faced deteriorating economics. The racial wealth gap, which stood at eight times the year before the COVID-19, must be addressed now more than at any time in past decades. From the overexposure of minorities in the most vulnerable industries, to the disparity in infrastructure and public goods found in their communities, inclusive investments and policy are critical to altering the current trajectory of the racial wealth gap.

According to a McKinsey Global Institute Analysis, as much as 6 percent of the US GDP can be enhanced if the structural barriers affecting minority wealth creation are addressed. As demographics shift and the US economy evolves post-COVID, it is imperative that minorities be engaged to drive economic prosperity. In this session, panelists will discuss how public and private stakeholders can address challenges and enable solutions that benefit minority business enterprises to unlock the next trillion dollars of US economic productivity.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
In 2020 the markets dropped to their lowest level since the 2008 recession, but the recovery has been better than anyone anticipated. Between the rise in retail investors and over $2 trillion in a fiscal rescue package, stock markets skyrocketed—forcing even private equity to reevaluate their investment strategy. After such a historic rally, what happens next? Lower-than-expected job numbers and virus variants have some investors worried. With Fed bond purchases expected to slow and inflation expected to rise, will the return expectations between public and private equities continue to narrow? What influence will the influx of retail investors have, and how are institutional investors factoring it in? Where are the opportunities in public equities for the rest of the year and beyond?
Financial Markets
The global pandemic has pushed us faster and further into the Digital Era. The development is led by AI and machine learning deployment in large parts, with use cases spanning from entertainment and work to medicine and manufacturing. But in a world dominated by tech, not everyone can be a tech company, and leaders will have to decide what is necessary to keep in-house or best served externally. Join us for a discussion on the edge of technology with cross-sectoral practitioners on how to adjust business models in a world dominated by tech.
Business & Industry Technology & Innovation
Building Trust in an Age of Distrust
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that government leaders, journalists, and CEOs are all distrusted. We need not look further than our social media platforms, government halls or dinner tables to see the short- and long-term ramifications of this deep-rooted distrust. How can we rebuild trust, in the wake of a global pandemic that shocked the globe? Who are the leaders, at the local and national levels, who are leading people, organizations, and systems to build back better? How can we renew our faith in our governments, our businesses, the media, and each other?
Society & Culture
Credit Markets: Balancing Public and Private Debt
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
International Ballroom
The last year has seen not only a record issuance of debt, but also a continuation of falling yields across ratings. And with little indication of change in public markets, investors are pivoting to private and securitized debt as asset managers raise record sums. However, while dislocation has created opportunity and premium above similar public credit, the main risks are fading stimulus, rising defaults, and slower than expected return to pre-COVID revenue. How can investors secure adequate yield without overextending risk in a volatile market?
Financial Markets
Invest and Innovate: The Future of Biomedical Innovation
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, and as policymakers, scientists, and companies jumped to combat the virus, we saw remarkable innovation in R&D processes and business models. Companies collaborated swiftly amongst themselves, with government agencies, and academic institutions, sharing information and resources, sometimes in unprecedented ways. Even under the strains of the pandemic, innovation has continued in the fight against cancer, rare diseases, diabetes, and more. Where are we seeing some of the most exciting scientific and business advances right now in biomedical innovation? Has the experience of the pandemic taught us any lessons about how to accelerate the process of R&D for the benefit of patients?
Health & Medical Research
Investing in and Growing Wealth for Women of Color
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
It's no secret that the US lags among nations in supporting women in financial services, especially fund management. New research from Morningstar showed that the percentage of managers in the US who are women is close to or below the global average of 14 percent. Similarly, market research from Morgan Stanley in 2016 showed that companies that had taken a holistic approach toward equal representation had outperformed their less diverse peers by almost 3 percent since 2008. It's time to identify steps that policy and business leaders in this sector can take to increase representation of women of color—through either hiring or targeted investments in the talent pipeline. This panel will bring together well-known leaders, along with emerging fund managers, to discuss solutions to bridge the gender equity divide, as well as to highlight the missed opportunity of the triple bottom-line benefits of enhanced representation.
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Over the last 18 months, the United States has seen a spike in anti-Asian hate crimes, underscored by viral videos and news reports of violence against Asians and Asian Americans. In response has come also greater awareness of the discrimination and mistreatment faced by those of Asian American and Pacific Island heritage (AAPI), as well as new state and federal legislation, landmark philanthropic initiatives, and business support to "stop Asian hate." Pushing back against common stereotypes like the "model minority myth," the AAPI community has fought for progress across all industries, championing change from the legislative floor to the red carpet of Hollywood. Panelists will discuss how government, businesses, and civil society can drive change, revitalize inclusivity, and promote a better sense of belonging—a tide that lifts all boats.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

This session will open with a conversation with Isabel Guzman, SBA Administrator, followed by a panel discussion on "Main Street" Entrepreneurs and the American Dream.

Small businesses account for 44 percent of US economic activity and create two-thirds of net new jobs. Despite their impressive contribution to the US economy, the importance of small businesses to the communities they serve is often underplayed. Many of the businesses that best withstood the severe economic disruption posed by the pandemic did so by pivoting to new services and product offerings. Many of them took on leadership roles within their communities and have come away with lessons learned. Join us for a discussion of the strategies small businesses employ to build resilient communities and broaden access to the American Dream for their workers. Panelists will also speak to opportunities for larger corporations to support small businesses.

Part 1:

  • Guest Isabel Casillas Guzman, 27th Administrator, US Small Business Administration
  • Moderator Kerry Murphy Healey, President, Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream

Part 2:

  • Moderator Kerry Murphy Healey, President, Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream
  • Speaker William "Bill" Daley, Vice Chairman of Public Affairs, Wells Fargo; former Chief of Staff to President Obama, The White House
  • Speaker John Danhakl, Managing Partner, Leonard Green & Partners, L.P.
  • Speaker Fran Dunaway, Co-Founder and President, TomboyX
  • Speaker Marlon Nichols, Managing General Partner, MaC Venture Capital
  • Speaker C. Anthony Parker, Owner, Elk City Auto Spa
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The Digital Transformation of Sports
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
Digital technology has become an increasingly powerful tool in efficiently running operations, maximizing on-field performance, creating winning cultures, establishing stronger brands, and improving the on-site fan experience. In our challenging social media era, technology is also crucial in enhancing direct communication with fans, businesses, and advertising partners. The flip side of social media is that can be a mine field where controversies or media crises can pop up instantly. This panel of team owners will discuss the innovative ways their teams are using technology to drive fan engagement and strengthen their franchises.
Business & Industry
The next normal presents opportunities and challenges for companies to weave technology into the core of their market approach, capabilities, and leadership agenda. How are enterprises rethinking the role of digital in their business strategy? And how is that advance improving operations and outcomes? How are companies driving new ways of working, disrupting jobs as necessary, and reskilling employees to meet emerging demands, goals, and conditions? This panel offers a fresh view of how the best in business are adopting and adapting digital to support their vision, means, and aims to the long-term benefit of their employees and customers.
Business & Industry Technology & Innovation
In 2020, billions of dollars in pledges were committed to racial equity efforts. Many such pledges were slated for partnering and investing in community lenders: namely, minority depository institutions (MDIs) and community development financial institutions (CDFIs). Moreover, several state governments as well as the federal government have identified these institutions as key agents in ensuring equitable post-COVID recovery. What strategies can governments, philanthropies, corporate bodies, and other organizations employ to bridge the racial wealth gap by scaling the capacity and impact of MDIs and CDFIs?
Financial Markets
His Excellency Khalid Al-Falih will discuss the work that the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia is carrying out under his leadership to attract foreign investors and businesses and help build economic resilience in the KSA amidst this new global landscape.
Regions & Developing Markets
Governments and companies are embracing the imperative for climate action and the urgent need to set goals to achieve net zero emissions. At present, though, the main net-zero equation cannot be solved: Emissions continue to rise and are not counterbalanced by removals. This private roundtable will explore actionable solutions to address the requirements and impacts of the net-zero transition on capital allocation, demand, costs, and jobs. A full understanding of these impacts, and of the adjustments they call for, is critical if public and private sector leaders are to chart the right path for their organizations. In this conversation, we will focus in particular on the opportunities for companies and investors, drawing on insights from recent research to accelerate the transition to net-zero.
Financial Markets
Feeding Change Private Lunch (Invite only)
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Circa 55
Stretch It Out
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM PDT
Wellness Garden
Work out the kinks with this chair-based practice to help you safely create greater range of motion and ease. Strategically work deep into the muscles and joints, while calming your mind. If you are feeling tight, tense, or not as flexible as you’d like, you’ll walk out refreshed with a new spring in your step, and a few tools to take back to the office!
Boxed Lunch Pick-up
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer
Boxed lunches will be available in the Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer, Pavilion Breezeway, Executive Center Foyer, and the Sunset Room.
Lunch and Learn: Live in Alignment
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM PDT
Wellness Garden
Koya Webb will guide you through breathwork, chakra alignment and gentle movement to help you identify where you might have energy blocks. She will also show you how to daily reset your energy and raise your vibration at any time of the day.
Financial Literacy: The Road to a Better Future
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
There is increasing worry that a large percent of the US population is financially illiterate and lacks the necessary knowledge and skills to make sound financial decisions. According to the most recent TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index survey, US adults could correctly answer only 52 percent of the financial literacy questions. The results were even worse for Gen X and Gen Y respondents. Yet, consumers have ready access to financial tools, products and services, many for free and at their fingertips on their mobile devices. This panel will discuss the US financial literacy landscape, including the persistent knowledge gaps, some necessary steps to provide better evaluation of the current programs, and the role of technology as part of the solution.
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Next-Generation Mobility: A Leap into the Future
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
Technology innovation and robotics companies are creating a next-generation, multi-dimensional mobility industry, from autonomous and electric-powered cars and trucks to advanced helicopters, airplanes, eVTOLs (Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing), and more efficient drone delivery systems. Come see the future of transportation at this fascinating lunch discussion.
Technology & Innovation
Thinking Forward: A Business Evolution
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
After more than a year of technological and societal disruption, there is no "normal" to return to. Organizations and customers have adjusted their daily work and life by embracing technology and the convenience of everything digital. But this convenience has also brought challenges to many small and medium-sized businesses, who had to adapt, compete for talent, and find capital in times of great need. At the same time, how can large enterprises adapt to the new paradigm of virtual sales and service? And with technology no longer a convenience but a necessity, can we find ways to strengthen communities, businesses, and the economy? Join us for a cross-sector conversation about transforming today's uncertainties into tomorrow's opportunities for these vital enterprises that are the backbone of the economy.
Business & Industry
DEI in Asset Management (Invite only)
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PDT
The desire for change and greater representation of women and minorities in the institutional investment industry has only accelerated within the past two years. Investing in the "American Dream for All" is predicated on equitable representation within asset management; less than 2 percent of asset managers are African American and less than 1 percent of the $70 trillion in US assets under management is managed by women, Blacks, or indigenous people of color. The broader trend matters—companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. In this private session, participants will discuss strategies to recruit and develop a greater number of diverse professionals and the importance of considering alternative data in underwriting for emerging managers.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets
Join us for an invitation-only session with some of the world's largest employers, and the private equity funds that invest in them, to discuss a variety of topics ranging from hiring, retention and training to supply chain challenges, the digitization of businesses, the growing importance of ESG and more.
Business & Industry
Education Lunch (Invite only)
12:45 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
Hosted by Lowell Milken, this interactive lunch will focus on solutions to challenges in the K-12 and higher education ecosystems. Milken, founder of the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching and co-founder and chairman of the Milken Family Foundation, will facilitate a dynamic dialogue between the foremost leaders in business, philanthropy, education and government.
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Philanthropists who want to effect change can deploy resources in a variety of ways, across multiple asset classes—charitable gifts, grants, impact investments, or even traditional financial investments. This principal-level session will begin with some foundational insights about the investment continuum, from both the Milken Center for Strategic Philanthropy and philanthropists themselves. The session will also include time for peer learning via both small and larger group discussions.
Health & Medical Research Philanthropy & Social Impact
What is the future of retirement? A gold watch, the end of work, and a life of leisure in an age-segregated community? "Pullback," "retreat," and "withdrawal" as dictionaries define? While these images and words may reflect yesterday's experience, they ignore the realities of our time. With a rapidly aging population and longer lives in store, our session will address what matters in the "new retirement"—from financial security and health to purposeful work, service, and learning. With multi-generational solutions more crucial than ever, we will consider challenges, disparities, and opportunities for action to improve the retirements of today's older adults and of generations to come.
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education Health & Medical Research Society & Culture
An experience which encompasses the integration of mindful movement, restorative poses, essential oils, reiki, and in-body meditations. While these can be done either seated or lying down, it is the integration of these modalities which lends itself to a balance of mind, body, and breath. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes each.
Policy, Politics, & Regulation
While talent may be equally distributed, opportunity is not. A person's Zip code or neighborhood can make the difference between good and poor health outcomes, determine access to high-quality education, and so much more. Philanthropy can support efforts to dismantle entrenched systems of inequity, but to be truly transformative, it must be brave enough to shift power into the hands of the communities themselves. This is why some high-capacity philanthropists invest in grassroots organizing and advocacy at the hyper-local level. Others find value in leveraging risk capital to innovate or support emerging talent in the social sector. This session will explore how philanthropists have structured investments to create lasting change and ensure that a person's destiny is no longer tied to their geography.
Philanthropy & Social Impact Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Bridging Our Divides Through Food
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Citi Terrace

In increasingly divisive times, food is one thing that connects us. And, many times, we first experience differing cultures through food. How can culinary leaders and culinary experiences help to bridge divides, foster understanding, and bring us together?

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Society & Culture
Climate Change Is Impacting Us All, Just Not Equally
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Wilshire Garden
Forest fires in California. Flooding in Bangladesh. Air pollution in India and everywhere in between: Climate change is impacting communities globally. The heightened frequency of extreme weather events, and sustained strain on communities, means leaders must look at what it takes to be resilient and address needs head-on. Developing countries are projected to suffer disproportionate impact as more frequent national disasters make recovery ever more difficult. Closer to home, lower-income populations are enduring disproportionate impact from higher rates of exposure to rising heat, increased emissions, and limited options for energy efficiency upgrades. As the world is moved to deal with shifts in climate, it becomes imperative to empower diverse communities by ensuring that climate policies protect those most vulnerable to the impact of change.
Sustainability & Environment
Common Sense from Uncommon Investors
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion

In times when uncommon and unconventional have become commonplace, investors need to adapt or risk falling behind. While markets are currently lifting all boats, how are you identifying new market leaders as companies reshape their portfolios and technological innovation is driving entire industries? And how can we restore faith in markets after witnessing two 100-year events in a little more than a decade? Join Chairman Michael Milken and some of the savviest investors on the opportunities that will shape markets and society for the next decade.

Financial Markets
The war for influence and security is being waged on a new front. The last year has seen an unprecedented spike in cyberattacks, data breaches, and troubling falsehoods online. Despite trends towards digitization and disorder, it is still unclear who—if anyone—will take stewardship of the digital frontier. In lieu of security, we are left to grapple with ambiguity and the aftermath of cyberattacks in the meantime. How can we better protect ourselves? What entities will take a leading role in ushering in this new digital age? With more data and communications poised to go digital, a deft approach in combatting disinformation and disruption is crucial to staying competitive in an online world.
Technology & Innovation
Emerging Tech: Reskilling in a Post-Pandemic World
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
The COVID-19 pandemic has cost millions of jobs across sectors. And although unemployment benefits were made available at the outset, few have since thought critically about, and invested in, solutions. In a modern economy that demands constant learning, however, the public and private sectors must work together to reskill and upskill the workforce. Emerging technology has seized on the disruption to our physical lives by providing solutions that will engage learners across the globe. The question remains: How can we create a complementary system that provides the tools needed in a digital era?
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Financial Inclusion Through Sports and Entertainment
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
Professional sports and entertainment have become a prominent forum for discussions about racial justice in the United States. Players, coaches, actors, filmmakers, and executives are taking the lead in protesting police brutality and social inequities, drawing attention to some of the most important political issues of our time. Behind the scenes as well, teams, leagues, and individuals have upped the ante on economic justice by committing to fund a variety of community initiatives. For example, a historic partnership between the Atlanta Hawks and the National Black Bank Foundation is financing construction of a new team practice facility. The members of this panel will examine how creative relationships such as this can provide the capital to transform communities across the country. Speakers will also consider how they can help advance racial justice through financial inclusion.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets
While the world seeks to bring greenhouse gas levels below 350 ppm by 2050, mainly through breakthrough technology and rapid-scale deployment of known low-carbon solutions, the effects of climate change are already upon us and are proving costly. Between now and 2030, a new focus on scaling up investment in resilient infrastructure will be critical if we are to limit the trillion-dollar costs of extreme weather—destroyed infrastructure, crop failure, broken water systems, population displacement, and global economic slowdown. We can avoid or at least limit these costs by investing in resilient infrastructure, and perhaps even redirect the savings to invest in smart mitigation on climate. This panel will tell us how.
Business & Industry Financial Markets
US National Security Outlook: Priorities and Challenges
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
Today's national security outlook demands a global perspective. With so many interconnected wide-ranging issues impacting us today, understanding how to preserve and protect America requires a comprehensive knowledge of the intricate threats it is faced with every day. What is the current situation in the South Pacific and what implications are there for the United States and China with tensions rising in this region? How will the Middle East continue to move forward towards peace and stability, with immense change now underway in Afghanistan and after the signing of the Abraham Accords just over one year ago? With domestic issues straining the nation, how will the public and private sectors continue to help push America towards recovery from the pandemic? The Milken Institute has assembled a panel of experts to evaluate the country's current national security status and will identify the challenges that will need to be overcome to safeguard its people and presence across the world.
Policy, Politics, & Regulation Regions & Developing Markets
Pension management and investing have become increasingly complex in recent decades as pensions have moved from stocks and bonds to a wide swath of asset classes. The success of a pension is ultimately based on its returns and risk management. In turn, these depend on the coordinated and well-managed dynamic between the board of trustees and the investment staff. Good governance is critical for pensions to achieve their missions and uphold their fiduciary obligation. Jarvis Hollingsworth and Jase Auby, respectively, the chairman of the board and the chief investment officer of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, will discuss the interplay that can foster good governance and best practices for pensions across the country.
Financial Markets
Meet the Author: Jacob Helberg "The Wires of War"
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Executive Center
Meet the Author: Parag Khanna "Move: How Mass Migration Will Shape the World and What it Means for You"
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Executive Center
Meet the Author: Questlove "Music is History"
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Executive Center
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the intergenerational dependencies between millennials and their baby boomer parents. Nearly 60 percent of millennials receive some form of financial help from their parents. The increase in young adults living with their parents during the pandemic highlighted a trend already in the making. About one-quarter of millennials are providing some form of care to their aging parents, putting careers and personal lives on hold. Because of the pandemic, only 57 percent of women are now participating in the workforce, the lowest level since 1988 and a development disproportionately impacting young women. How will younger generations achieve financial security, and will their parents be able to help them financially when their own retirement preparedness is lacking? This panel will explore the long-term social and economic impacts of current behaviors among interdependent generations.
Financial Markets Philanthropy & Social Impact Society & Culture
Few topics have been more controversial over the last several years than equality and wealth allocation. Young adults in their working lives have experienced at least one global financial crisis, a global pandemic, and a set of technology-driven disruptions that have financially benefited few of them. At the same time, small businesses that support a large part of the economy, as well as job creation, are struggling to survive. What are the steps needed to devise more equitable markets and provide needed access to capital and services? And how can we adapt the transformational potential of technology to level the playing field and democratize finance for emerging generations?
Financial Markets

The crises of 2020—notably climate-related disasters including fires and floods, and, above all, the COVID-19 pandemic—disrupted life as we've known it and upended notions of business as usual. And yet, only a year and a half after the world seemed to turn upside down, some of the corporate leaders who shot the rapids of 2020 are doing some further disrupting with unprecedented initial public offerings. What are the secrets to surviving and succeeding in a post-crises business world? Join our panelists as they take part in a discussion of how the disruptions of 2020 transformed life and business in 2021 and may have repercussions far into the future.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Business & Industry Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Global Investors' Views on China
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Despite lingering geopolitical tensions in the Asia Pacific region and ongoing structural transformations in China, global investors remain optimistic about the country's investment opportunities. While the global pandemic slowed aggregate private-market transactions in the second and third quarters of 2021, numerous firms experienced their busiest years, and projections forecast steady growth. How are investors capitalizing on China's opportunities given domestic and global trends? Which sectors might provide strong returns? Are China's shifting regulations cause for concern or a positive direction for its financial markets?
Financial Markets Regions & Developing Markets
Inclusive Capitalism in Asset Management
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
In the wake of 2020's tragic events and the insistent calls for racial equity, business and finance leaders are asking how to translate talk into action. Stakeholders recognize that post-COVID recovery needs to be equitable not only to avoid widening longstanding wealth and opportunity gaps, but to reduce them and ensure communities of color enjoy equitable access to the American dream. When trillions of stimulus dollars are poised to flow into key industries, it's time to examine the role private markets can play in co-investing with intentionality to move beyond social awareness into financial action. With billions at their disposal and tremendous influence, general partners and limited partners have an obligation to ensure that the uneven impacts of COVID-19 are not compounded in the recovery. Panelists look at how the Biden administration may shift the policy landscape to help diverse business owners, entrepreneurs, and asset managers succeed over the next four years and beyond.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets
The crises of the past year and a half have unmasked many of the social issues our country has left unresolved for too long, chief among them the future of policing and community safety. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other unarmed people of color in the United States at the hands of law enforcement reignited the Black Lives Matter Movement and renewed calls for comprehensive police reform. We turn to leaders from academia, community organizing, and the government to reimagine the future of policing and community safety, together. What is the core mission of police work? What is the impact of the economy on police departments? And how can police departments and community leaders work together to ensure holistic community safety?
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Values and Value: Rethinking Higher Education
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted higher education unlike anything before it. With colleges and universities in the United States closing their doors and turning to some version of online instruction, higher-education leaders have been forced to rethink and rearticulate their business models, teaching models, admissions and enrollment models, on-campus resources, and even their value propositions. What is the value of on-campus higher education in a post-COVID world? What are the values and priorities of higher education in a post-COVID-19 crisis world?
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
What's Next for Real Estate?
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
Many predicted that real estate would be hit hardest by the pandemic, but matters turned out differently. Although de-urbanization caused some major cities to devalue in the short term, most of the housing market across the US turned hot. Perhaps the fear of institutional investor involvement was overplayed? This panel will explore what the trend of a more mobile and dispersed workforce may mean for commercial real estate. And how will a push toward greater climate sustainability play into construction and development?
Business & Industry
The success and durability of a global early warning system relies on sustained and diverse funding, robust and relevant data, coordination across existing entities and efforts, and a clear strategy for implementing change. This session will convene global leaders across governments, academia, industry, and philanthropy to discuss the data, financing, and behavior change and decision-making mechanisms for mobilizing a global early warning system for pandemics.
Health & Medical Research
How do prize competitions incentivize innovation, empower new voices, and further philanthropic impact? The Milken-Motsepe Innovation Prize program, launched in April 2021, is a series of prize competitions conceived to address Africa's most pressing challenges at the intersection of agriculture and technology. Join us to explore key features of prize philanthropy—and more: Participate in an interactive workshop to identify key "prize-worthy" ideas for the next Milken-Motsepe Prize. Be a part of the design process for our upcoming prize selection, and share in an engaging discussion about the effectiveness of "prize philanthropy."
Philanthropy & Social Impact
Be Crystal Clear Sound Bath Meditation
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Wellness Garden
A Sound Bath Meditation is a deeply relaxing experience that uses specifically tuned vibrational instruments such as crystal singing bowls and gongs to tune into your chakra energy centers using different tones and frequencies. The experience will promote deep meditation, help diminish insomnia, alleviate anxiety and stress, and heighten clarity while improving the ability to concentrate. Afterwards you will be left feeling relaxed, restored, and rejuvenated.
Meet the Author: Jeffrey Selingo "Who Gets In and Why"
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Executive Center

Sound mental health is essential to a healthy and fulfilled life, yet studies show that one in every five individuals suffers from a mental health condition at some point in their life. The social, medical and economic costs of this crisis are clear. The global economy loses nearly $1 trillion each year due to depression and anxiety, and those with mental health issues are more susceptible to facing other health challenges such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The lack of access to effective treatment options has compounded this problem, crippling our societies and damaging our communities.

Historically stigmatized drugs such as psychedelics have risen to the forefront of mental illness treatment options, with recent rigorous clinical trials demonstrating their potential to induce robust and long-lasting anti-depressant effects. In addition, regulators' embrace of psychedelics and an increasingly supportive public opinion has now encouraged investors to view this space as the next frontier in medical advances.

In this session, Uma Thurman will interview entrepreneur and investor Christian Angermayer, on the emergence of psychedelics as part of the potential solution to our mental health crisis.

Society & Culture
Finance for Good: Diversity, Returns, and Purpose
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Citi Terrace

Asset managers, and private markets investors in particular, historically have not been poster children for diversity. Recent research confirms that ethnic minorities and women are still under-represented to a large extent. Yet the industry understands better than most the power of diversity, both in terms of portfolio allocation and as a major employer in the global economy. What are the signs that diversity efforts are reaching a tipping point in asset management? And what are the models that work? How can we continue to promote—and, more importantly, accelerate—the goal of an equitable future? And is there a way we can harness the momentum of our times to use finance for good?

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets
Special Situations in Unusual Times
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
The past year and a half was many things, but not business as usual. In a matter of weeks, distressed debt skyrocketed to levels not seen since 2008, rewarding those who were prepared. But while strategies in distressed and special situations offer outsized returns, they also require a unique skillset and experience. What changes and pitfalls are expected as ample liquidity and low-interest rates return to pre-COVID levels? Will a return to normal coincide with a significant uptick in defaults?
Financial Markets
Town Hall: Taming the Social Media Beast
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
A hotly debated topic from the 2019 Global Conference resurfaces this year as social media continues to play an ever-present role in our lives. It is clear that Social media platforms have greatly changed how we view and interact with our world, sometimes in ways we don't immediately recognize. As we have seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, social media has both the ability to bring us together and to push us apart, too often spreading misinformation (or disinformation) and spurring discontent. Will this pattern continue, or do we need to take action to limit the prevalence of social media? Will its benefits—connecting with friends and family—outweigh the negative impact it has on modern culture? As we've become so dependent on digital platforms, what risks come with shifting away from using social media? Panelists will respond to questions from the audience and discuss whether we can manage our new tech capabilities in ways that will help shape our world for the better.
Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Promoting An Ownership Society (Invite only)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
This invitation-only session brings together corporate and private-equity stakeholders to discuss the need for and strategies to implement employee equity ownership programs on a larger scale as a way of reducing the wealth gap for both lower-income and minority employees. Equity ownership programs are also often designed to provide financial literacy mentoring, improve corporate culture and drive greater employee engagement.
Financial Markets
The Milken Institute cordially invites you to an exclusive reception for our speakers, sponsors, and distinguished guests. We hope you will join us for this reception.
Private Reception Hosted by Citi (Invite only)
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Spring Place - 9800 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills

Rise and Flow Yoga
6:00 AM - 6:45 AM PDT
Wellness Garden
Experience the benefits of waking up to yoga as you stretch your body, awaken your mind, and fuel your spirit. Salute the sun with a smile and gracefully work out all the kinks and tightness from your night's sleep. You'll feel energized, have amazing mental clarity, and will be ready to flow through your day with ease.
Global Conference Registration
6:00 AM - 7:30 PM PDT
Hilton Lobby
Workout with Dogpound
6:30 AM - 7:15 AM PDT
Dogpound - 627 N. Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

This 45-minute workout led by Dogpound's elite trainers will address full body conditioning movements designed to improve performance, enhance mobility, and build strength. Each of Dogpound's daily sessions will leave you feeling strong, energized, and balanced within body and mind.

*A complimentary shuttle will leave the Beverly Hilton at 6:00am to the Dogpound West Hollywood location (627 N Robertson Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069) and return after the class.

Continental Breakfast
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden and Executive Center Foyer
Representing over $25 trillion in assets under management, the Global Capital Markets Advisory Council will gather for its annual meeting, an opportunity to exchange ideas and break down silos between investors from pension plans, endowments and foundations, sovereign funds, insurance companies, and single-family offices. Drawing on collective knowledge, CIOs and CEOs from around the world will consider the most compelling ways to navigate the changing macroeconomic landscape and address the most urgent questions facing them. How is the relationship between asset owners and asset managers evolving? Has the issuance of SPACs shifted the rise of private markets in favor of a return to public markets? How are institutional investors considering cryptocurrency investments? What geographies have the greatest investment potential, and how are investors approaching the current geopolitical climate?
Financial Markets
If the experiment of humanity is to continue to evolve on planet Earth, it is imperative that we embrace a new understanding of success and cultivate multiple bottom lines in our business endeavors. Michael Bernard Beckwith will briefly cover Consciousness—what it is, it's states and stages, and a greater understanding of its place in the birth of a kind and compassionate global society.
Health & Medical Research
Center for Strategic Philanthropy Advisory Board Meeting (Invite only)
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Board Room
Philanthropy & Social Impact
Financial Markets
Asset Management: Repositioning for the Future
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
Asset managers are at a critical moment for navigating an evolving environment. After market turmoil and a recession in early 2020, markets have come roaring back. But major structural shifts combined with COVID-related shocks and volatility have changed correlations across most portfolios and assets. With financial models built on past datapoints, how do you account for systematic shifts? Can the past still reliable predict the future? Join us for a discussion on how to manage market cycles and the economic factors driving the current outlook.
Financial Markets
Global Overview: Charting a New Course
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
International Ballroom

This session will begin with remarks from Lawrence Wong, Minister for Finance, Singapore, followed by a panel discussion on Global Overview: Charting a New Course.

In the face of unprecedented challenges across the economy, public health, and society, global leaders are now charting a new course, with cooperation and collaboration catalyzing post-pandemic recovery and growth. While global policy consensus continues in a state of flux—surrounding trade, climate policy, and, yes, COVID-19—living standards continue to improve as science and technology leap forward, and economies continue their slow but steady recovery. This session will discuss the many challenges facing policy makers and corporate executives today from market stability and global supply chains, to humanitarian crises and geopolitical tensions. Join us for a critical conversation on global security, economic opportunity, and social prosperity.

Business & Industry Regions & Developing Markets
Virtual Program | The Future of Insurance
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
The insurance industry has faced less technology-led disruption than many other sectors in recent years. However, this is beginning to change. Large numbers of insurtech challengers are entering the market, and widespread access to new digital tools and vast troves of consumer data are creating massive new risks and opportunities for incumbents. How is the industry adapting, and where do the most attractive opportunities lie? How do insurers preserve privacy and trust in a hyper-digitalized world?
Business & Industry
Cancer didn't quit during the pandemic, but neither did cancer innovation. We even saw approaches first pioneered in cancer now deployed against COVID-19. Genomic and multi-omics data are transforming cancer research. Immunotherapy remains a significant area of major investment and of promise for patients. What are the most exciting oncology innovations we can look forward to in the near term? What are the greatest remaining unmet patient needs? And how are the cancer research and treatment communities addressing inequities in research and care across racial, ethnic, and geographic lines?
Health & Medical Research Technology & Innovation
An experience which encompasses the integration of mindful movement, restorative poses, essential oils, reiki, and in-body meditations. While these can be done either seated or lying down, it is the integration of these modalities which lends itself to a balance of mind, body, and breath. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes each.
Credit Outlook: The Return of Risk-On?
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
Credit trends have improved rapidly this year, reflecting positive data surprises and the continued impact of ongoing policy support. And while the share of the riskiest credits is close to an all-time high and inflation worries continue to linger, the future years seem set for borrower-friendly deal terms and search for yield. Are concerns around the growth and inflationary pressure warranted or necessary to stabilize the economic recovery? And what factors about the credit recovery should investors consider before questioning its allocation in their portfolios?
Financial Markets
Global M&A Outlook: Chasing Records
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
M&A transactions continue to increase at a steady pace, giving executives and dealmakers an optimistic economic outlook. While the SPAC craze of the first quarter has slowed due to regulatory concerns, disruption across sectors continues to be a catalyst. What impact would an increase in capital gains tax have on deal volume? Or is anticipation of it already driving some of the numbers? With ideal financing conditions and rate hikes unlikely, are there any headwinds that could slow deal making in the coming months or year? Join us for a discussion of the future of M&A after a record-breaking year.
Financial Markets
Growing Strong: Private Markets Post-Pandemic
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
Private equity weathered the pandemic well: After a small blip, deal volumes and valuations returned to their historic strong growth. However, beyond the headlines, the industry has seen impressive adaptation and changes, from shifting fundraising and diligence to virtual, or the rise of the secondary market and its promise of new liquidity profiles. At the same time, deals have shifted over the past year to take advantage of dislocations, as corporations divested and transformed their portfolios. Are we set to return to whatever "normal" is? Or have value propositions shifted? And where is the midmarket heading as technology is taking over sectors and financial markets continue to be driven by unconventional policy? Join a discussion on the new course of private equity, and learn what it is likely to mean for the wider economy.
Financial Markets

Billions in federal funding for broadband access is now flowing to communities to address a digital divide that, even before the pandemic, left millions of Americans offline or underserved. We need equitable solutions to deliver high-speed, widely accessible, and affordable broadband for individuals, small businesses, and the billions of devices dependent on network connectivity. Incumbent companies that have long dominated the market are facing mounting calls to close the divide or make room for new entrants. Challengers are entering the market with new technology stacks, financing structures, and innovative deployment models that can deliver faster results to formerly excluded populations. Panelists will share their visions of what connectivity will look like in 5, 10, and 15 years. They will also share how they plan to compete or partner with other providers, organizations and private capital to achieve their visions.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Business & Industry Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Macroeconomics: A Continued Success Story
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
International Ballroom

This session will begin with remarks from Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, Treasurer of Australia, followed by a panel discussion on Macroeconomics: A Continued Success Story.

The Great Recession was supposed to be the market event of a lifetime. Yet only 12 years later, we have witnessed the largest exogenous shock in modern history. The unprecedented fiscal and monetary response that followed has again warped economies along with our understanding of markets, which seem priced for perfection in an imperfect world. In light of the transitional factors of supply constraints and pent-up demand, are inflation swings and worries inevitable? How can economies pivot their investments to provide the infrastructure needed for success in the 21st century? Ultimately, is there a way to tell where everyone stands before the tide goes out?

Financial Markets

Part 1:
Former opinion editor for both The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, Bari Weiss struck out on her own to keep her voice undiminished, and to provide a platform for others. In this conversation with Frank Luntz, Weiss fearlessly calls out the media shibboleths of our time, and celebrates the power of diversity of thought.

Part 2:
Did you ever want to learn the definitive words to use and the words to lose? Pollster Frank Luntz will unveil the 50 words that matter most in business, economics, and politics ... and the 50 words you should never say again. You'll also hear about the best political speeches of the modern era.

Society & Culture
Service as a Springboard to the American Dream
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
There is emerging bipartisan interest in the idea of National Service as a way for young Americans to contribute to the United States while building bridges across communities of different racial, social, and economic backgrounds. We will focus on the benefits that the public service experience brings to those who participate. What capabilities and skills does service build and how does it expand future opportunities? How can we structure programs that help volunteers acquire better skills and financial literacy to prepare them for a changing job market? We will discuss barriers to the concept of National Service, whether it should be offered as a form of alternative education, and what incentives will be needed to broaden participation, particularly among underprivileged communities.
Policy, Politics, & Regulation Society & Culture
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Health & Medical Research
Even during a year of robust public equities, investors face a long-term challenge to deliver returns. This roundtable will bring together asset owners and fund managers to discuss the best ways to mitigate market volatility and beat rising inflation. They will explore the opportunities on the public side and how to account for geopolitical risk. Questions for discussion include: How do you access the top funds that lack capacity, and at what terms? What are the lessons learned from collaborating remotely over the last year and a half? How will these lessons inform future collaboration?
Financial Markets
2021 has been a pivotal year for blockchains and the cryptocurrencies that run on them. Bitcoin hit an all-time high, mainstream interest in crypto has skyrocketed, while new financial instruments and markets are moving on-chain. Has crypto reached a turning point of no-return? At this pace, where will we go from here? And will regulators finally give the benign clarity the industry desperately needs?
Financial Markets

The Milken Institute Executive Circle is a newly founded, invitation-only group of women CEOs, founders, and presidents from a diverse array of businesses and industries. During the 2021 Global Conference, the Institute will host a series of one-on-one interviews with select members of the Executive Circle on a variety of topics. These conversations will focus on the timely issues that leaders are facing, and how these executives are developing innovative solutions in an everchanging business and health landscape.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Behind the Sustainability Curtain: ESG Data and Disclosures
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
Global events of recent years have alerted us that health, the environment, and business are interconnected. The year 2020 saw an unprecedented increase in 'net zero' commitments. Firms now have a greater appreciation of the economic consequences of a failure to invest in public health systems. But will this enthusiasm around environmental and social issues translate into new funding and financing? As the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference approaches, panelists will discuss the enhanced scrutiny ESG data, disclosures, and how to measure impact. The ESG market is nearing $2 trillion in AUM, and these leaders are spearheading the demand for improved metrics, standardized documentation, and consistent reporting.
Financial Markets Sustainability & Environment
Technology is the new frontier. The proliferation of microchips, artificial intelligence, and 5G (soon to be 6G) has catalyzed transformation across sectors and industries. At the same time, it has catapulted private corporations into the foreground of foreign policy, national security, and international diplomacy. Today, both public and private leaders must grapple with the real threats posed by bad actors in the digital world, to protect their people, their privacy, and their bottom line. Does this shift represent a momentary blurring of lines between the public and private? Or has it forever changed the state's role in corporate cybersecurity? How can companies manage the opportunities and risks of digital transformation? Ultimately, how do you lead, serve, and protect in a digital world?
Business & Industry Technology & Innovation
Leading a New Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom
The era of remote work has been challenging, to put it mildly. Corporate leaders had to pivot their entire workforce and infrastructure within weeks, while employees had to manage turning their homes into offices. While some are returning to the workplace, it seems clear that remote work is here to stay in some form. While the benefits of accessing the global talent pool are clear, there are plenty of pitfalls. How will corporate leadership evolve to new challenges, such as building a remote-friendly culture and a digital infrastructure that is secure and available from anywhere? And how will employees cope with never being "away" from work and the productivity strain that comes with it? Join us for a discussion of the future of human capital and leadership.
Business & Industry Human Capital, Jobs, & Education

This session will open with a conversation with His Excellency Khalid Al-Falih, Minister of Investment, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, followed by a panel discussion on Private Markets: More Capital than Opportunity.

Excess liquidity inevitably drives valuations higher. For investors, however, the question is not about increased multiples, but about the underlying market drivers and their persistence. With monetary policy having changed available capital and increased allocation to private equity and credit, it has been hard to almost impossible to evaluate dislocations. At the same time, as the world continues to shift digital, it has become essential to find tech companies that are set to disrupt entire business models. With plenty of cash to go around, how can investors separate the growth opportunities from those that are over-hyped and likely to be short-lived? With the lines and purpose of public and private markets in such flux, is it still appropriate to limit access to retail investors?

Part 1:

  • Guest His Excellency Khalid Al-Falih, Minister of Investment, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Moderator Brian Sullivan, Anchor and Senior National Correspondent, CNBC

Part 2:

  • Moderator Brian Sullivan, Anchor and Senior National Correspondent, CNBC
  • Speaker Anne-Marie Fink, Chief Investment Officer, Private Markets and Funds Alpha, State of Wisconsin Investment Board
  • Speaker Rishi Kapoor, Co-CEO, Investcorp
  • Speaker Matthew Nord, Senior Partner, Apollo Global Management
  • Speaker Julian Salisbury, Global Head of the Asset Management Division, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc
  • Speaker Anthony Yoseloff, Executive Managing Member and Chief Investment Officer, Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP
Financial Markets
Practical Steps Promoting Greater Wealth Equality
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Sunset Pavilion
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession exacerbated long-standing gaps in economic opportunity and wealth across the US. Today, the bottom 50 percent of families own only 1.5 percent of US wealth, down from 3.6 percent in 1990. The median retirement savings for working-age Americans is close to $0. Without immediate policy intervention, these inequities will continue to grow. What can be done to help low- and moderate-income Americans save more and build generational wealth? Potential solutions include baby bonds, universal basic income, and a bipartisan retirement savings program modeled after the Thrift Savings Plan available to federal employees. What other remedies are available, and what would it take to implement them?
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Philanthropy is private capital directed for public good, so it is especially important that it be well invested. Changing outmoded or dysfunctional systems takes persistence, time, and vigilance, and it is often philanthropy's role to act as "patient" capital that embraces the longer time horizons required to bring social-impact ventures to maturity. Individual philanthropists and foundation leaders will share insights about their successes, best practices, and the importance of committing to a long-term vision.
Philanthropy & Social Impact
The dream of longevity science is to enable people across the planet to live longer, healthier lives. Delaying and curing aging-related conditions, including Alzheimer's, cancer, and heart disease, will allow us to live in better health regardless of our age. And emerging technologies, including those that alter, extend, and monitor brain function, could ultimately also extend healthy lives. Leading researchers in longevity science across US and beyond are steadily deepening our understanding of the aging process--and investors are paying close attention. This panel will explore what's behind the science and the possibilities of developing interventions to extend life expectancy.
Health & Medical Research
Housing Solutions on Demand (Invite only)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT

We find ourselves in an affordable housing crisis that shows few signs of abating. Unsurprisingly, the impact of this crisis has disproportionately crushed society's most vulnerable, particularly Black and Brown and low-to-moderate income individuals, families, and communities. The barriers to solving this crisis are myriad and complex. Among the most challenging are record-low housing supply and home price appreciation, disruptions in the "virtuous cycle" of home buying, excessive housing cost burden, the ravages of income, wealth, and employment gaps, constriction of access to sustainable credit, and other setbacks caused by the Great Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these barriers also reflects elements of structural racism and a lack of equity and inclusion. The American Dream of homeownership seems less attainable than ever for millions who are the most at-risk in our society. And the picture is equally if not more dire for renters, who are more vulnerable to housing instability generally and face difficulty in accessing available Emergency Rental Assistance funds at a time when eviction moratoria and other pandemic aid are expiring.

In this session, we will aim our focus on the need for affordable housing from a housing and housing finance perspective. The construction of affordable housing units has historically been limited by restrictive zoning as well as gaps in local funding and resistance from residents. Concurrently, affordability continues to decrease, fueled by low supply, rising cost, and increased consumer financial vulnerability. This private session will ask leaders to devise solutions that will incentivize housing development while structuring financial tools to widen access to housing, and thus support an equitable and inclusive post-pandemic recovery.

Capital Access & Economic Opportunity
One can only lead others responsibly having understood and mastered how to lead self. Awakened Leadership begins with your ability to lead your personal life in a way that is conscious and congruent with your highest values and intentions. From here, greater collaboration, increased vision, and overall leadership expand exponentially in its impact and influence.
Boxed Lunch Pick-up
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer
Boxed lunches will be available in the Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer, Pavilion Breezeway, and Executive Center Foyer.
Meet the Author: Mike Hayes "Never Enough: A Navy SEAL Commander on Living a Life of Excellence, Agility, and Meaning"
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Executive Center
Take a moment to BREATHE, while you explore pure and therapeutic essential oils for physical and emotional wellness. This will be a guided calming experience where you will learn how a few small drops can lead you into better overall health and wellness.
Despite global pandemic fatigue, SARS-CoV2 is still in circulation around the world as we head into the winter of 2021. How close are we to achieving "community immunity" across continents? What do we need to do to continue making progress? What variants are still causing concern? Will boosters be needed? And are we learning necessary lessons and preparing for the next global pandemic?
Health & Medical Research
What the NFT? (Invite only)
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PDT

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are the latest craze in both art and technology. In little under a year, this new asset class has moved from insider tip to $300+ million market with the potential to exceed $25B soon. In the last months alone, the world's largest NFT exchange generated over $3B in transactions, growing 950 percent month over month. And while the growth and use-cases are unquestionably in art and media today, we are poised to see adoption in many other historically physical-only collectibles markets.

Join us for a closed door discussion with industry experts as we explore whether NFTs will be a fad, or mainstay; an augmentation or a revolution of art and collectibles as an asset class. And if they are here to stay, what does that mean for asset allocation and the generation of competitive, risk-adjusted returns in this space?

Financial Markets Society & Culture Technology & Innovation
CEO Roundtable (Invite only)
12:45 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
In recent months, the impact of social crises, economic dislocation, and global pandemic has called upon leaders across industries to tackle unprecedented challenges. As we wrap up this fourth quarter, join us for a wide-ranging discussion with global leaders of some of the largest companies in finance, health, technology, and other industries to reflect upon the past year and identify developing trends for 2022. Moderated by Milken Institute President and COO, Rich Ditizio, with remarks by Chairman Michael Milken, this conversation will explore how CEOs are preparing their workforces to remain competitive, productive, and healthy.
Business & Industry
An experience which encompasses the integration of mindful movement, restorative poses, essential oils, reiki, and in-body meditations. While these can be done either seated or lying down, it is the integration of these modalities which lends itself to a balance of mind, body, and breath. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes each.

The Milken Institute Executive Circle is a newly founded, invitation-only group of women CEOs, founders, and presidents from a diverse array of businesses and industries. During the 2021 Global Conference, the Institute will host a series of one-on-one interviews with select members of the Executive Circle on a variety of topics. These conversations will focus on the timely issues that leaders are facing, and how these executives are developing innovative solutions in an everchanging business and health landscape.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Charting a New Course for Global Supply Chains
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
During the pandemic, supply chain bottlenecks led to significant shortages of key materials in the United States and globally, from personal protective equipment for front-line healthcare workers to semiconductor chips required for automotive manufacturing. New US federal government initiatives have called for a review of supply chain resilience across a wide range of strategically important industries, such as agriculture, defense, energy, and pharmaceuticals. While the costs of supply chain disruption during the pandemic were substantial, there are still significant costs required to reconfigure lean manufacturing strategies. Which industries are best prepared to chart a new course for global supply chains? Are "just-in-time" production methods likely to remain predominant in some industries? And, as countries such as the US shift to policies to support domestic manufacturing, what role will government procurement play?
Business & Industry
Few markets have seen more fundamental changes than energy and commodities. Accelerated demand for microchips has led to rising metal prices, decarbonization and electric vehicles are disrupting the energy market, and top companies are supporting initiatives such as the broad deployment of hydrogen. What can energy and commodity firms and investors do to stay ahead of the game? And how are they supporting policy or developing effective programs? In the face of a growing climate crisis, what incentives can help accelerate decarbonization and a more sustainable approach?
Financial Markets
Perceiving a market gap, Asian entrepreneurs built innovative companies that empowered millions of their compatriots to participate in the formal economy. By enabling essential transactions and improving access to the digital economy, these companies expanded peoples' abilities to learn and work, and to avail themselves of financial, health, and entertainment services. In doing so, companies reached new markets and new customers. In this session, Asia's leading entrepreneurs discuss their efforts to bring people into the formal economy with the goal of improving their livelihoods and taking advantage of opportunities in a rapidly digitalized and interconnected world.
Business & Industry Regions & Developing Markets

Part 1:

  • Guest Steven Mnuchin, Founder and Managing Partner, Liberty Strategic Capital; 77th Secretary of the US Treasury
  • Moderator Romaine Bostick, Anchor, "Bloomberg Markets," Bloomberg

Part 2:

  • Guest Catherine Wood, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Ark Invest
  • Moderator Carol Massar, Anchor, Bloomberg Businessweek TV and Radio
Financial Markets Policy, Politics, & Regulation
The Rise of the Retail Equities Trader
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
International Ballroom
Zero-commission trading, fractional shares, and easy access to information have allowed individual (retail) investors to take more control over their trading activity. The recent trading frenzy in so-called meme stocks has highlighted the causes and effects of the increase in retail trading activity. This increase is, in turn, affecting the trading strategies of institutional investors and causing securities regulators to rethink existing market structure and market infrastructure policies.
Financial Markets
The impact of COVID-19 on minority communities has brought into sharp focus long-standing health disparities in the United States. In the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, for example, reports of anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms have increased during the pandemic. Yet, AAPIs have the lowest rate for seeking mental health services of any racial and ethnic minority group. In this session, experts will discuss the implications of COVID-19 on public health and the opportunities for the healthcare system, employers, and government to improve the health of racial and ethnic populations.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Health & Medical Research
Women, Work, and COVID: Ending the "Shecession"
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
Women lost their jobs or left the workforce at significantly higher rates than men during the pandemic and have encountered more long-term barriers to reentry. As a result, this economic era has earned the nickname the "shecession." We will outline the social issues the pandemic has exposed and explore ways in which employers can provide equitable skilling and meaningful employment to help women return to work.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
Banking on a Digital Economy
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
The global pandemic of 2020 ushered in a new era of reliance on tech, connectivity, and digitization. This change in the pace of tech adoption has altered industry priorities for the future and has continued the rapidly digitizing realm of financial services. Keeping up is complex, with constant debate around the value proposition, use cases, and storage of digital assets. So how do you operate and invest in a digital world? Will technology revolutionize the way assets and records are managed and transferred? Or will changes outside this new asset class be more subtle? Join this conversation about the digital sphere and its significance for the financial industry and economy at large.
Financial Markets Technology & Innovation
In Pursuit of LGBTQ+ Equality
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Citi Terrace

Despite business community support and growing social acceptance of LGBTQ+ Americans, discrimination persists. For good reasons, corporate America is an essential and powerful ally for the LGBTQ+ community in its pursuit of equality: It's the right thing to do, and the business case calls for it. Inclusive company culture is critical for attracting and retaining talent, and studies have shown clear financial and stock performance benefits. Research also indicates that countries with discriminatory policies may forgo 1 percent or more of GDP. Beyond internal policies, corporate allies can influence legislation such as the Equality Act that would ensure federal-level non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. On this panel, business leaders and advocates will discuss the path forward and the public and private sector's role in advancing equality for the LGBTQ+ community.

This session will be hosted in Citi Terrace | Elevating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Business & Industry Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Society & Culture
As antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to spread and become deadlier, potentially exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for new drugs has never been clearer. The antibiotic market continues to struggle from under investment and a lack of players needed to bring drugs through R&D to commercialization. While there have been positive signs in turning this around, including pull incentives and other forms of post-market support, more investment may be needed to bring drug companies back into antibiotic development. What models seem most promising? What lessons can we apply from other sectors' solutions to similar crises? And how can we foster international collaboration to jumpstart the antibiotic pipeline to combat the ever-growing threat of AMR?
Business & Industry Health & Medical Research
Mental health care across the United States is plagued by insufficient and inequitable access to effective resources and treatments. Too often, local communities become the de facto frontlines for intervention in mental health crises—schools, law enforcement, and hospital emergency rooms, none of which are adequately staffed or trained to meet the needs. To fill these gaps, philanthropists are focusing on supporting mental health care models at the local level. These focused efforts, targeting specific neighborhoods and cities, employ new, innovative approaches to improve access to mental health services, many of them scalable to larger communities.
Health & Medical Research Philanthropy & Social Impact
The devastating arc of the coronavirus awakened society to structural inequalities, institutional and cultural biases, and ever-growing gaps in income, education, health, and opportunity. In our inaugural study last year, the pandemic exposed deficits in leadership, governance, and political, social, and economic policy. As Harris Poll data revealed, people increasingly want companies to help solve social challenges where governments are failing. Now, as an uneven recovery begins, how can business make a real difference? What new leadership skills and competencies are required? And how do they co-exist with running a company, fostering innovation, and delivering value to shareholders and stakeholders? Building on robust global research and insight from 2020, the Milken Institute's Listening Project examined the post-pandemic priority issues of global citizenry to identify the types of business leaders we need to drive growth and foster a more just world.
Society & Culture Business & Industry Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
In 2019, the Business Roundtable made headlines when it issued a statement on the importance of stakeholder capitalism—that maximizing shareholder value should not be a corporation's sole and ultimate goal; it must also invest in employees, protect the environment, and deal ethically with suppliers. While some said the statement was an attack on capitalism itself, the fact is, over the past few decades, private equity, an approximately $4 trillion industry, has shown a growing interest in a capitalism that serves all stakeholders. This can be seen in the rise of impact investing, which, though still a relative a niche, has become a priority for a growing number of private equity players and financial institutions generally. In this session, panelists will debate the tradeoffs and discuss how private capital and public sector institutions can align corporate success with social progress.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets
Time to Thrive: A New Economy
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
International Ballroom
There is no going back. COVID-19 not only accelerated trends already underway but also laid bare issues that society has ignored for far too long. And while some may still hope for a "return to normal," savvy investors, corporations, and activists understand that there is no turning back. The new normal means lower interest rates, restructuring supply chains, and paying more than lip service to sustainability and diversity. How can investors and companies take advantage of changing consumer attitudes and expectations, leapfrogging technologies, and a socially conscious workforce? And what is the responsibility of leaders in the financial sector and corporate America? Join us for a conversation on why embracing the current shift is both doing good and delivering high returns.
Financial Markets
Emerging markets (EM) continue to struggle with their economic recovery. Though their growth forecasts have improved, it is critical that they maintain a steady pace of vaccinations if their economies are to recover fully. The situation is complicated by the swift recovery of the global economy, which has forced many EMs to tighten their monetary policy in the face of inflation pressure. Should investors be wary of exposing their portfolio to volatility too early, or is now the time to look behind the early success of the US market?
Financial Markets
SPAC to the Future (Invite only)
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
While the number of traditional initial public offerings (IPOs) has been declining in recent years, the number of companies going public through Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) is at an all-time high. This panel will discuss the reasons for the popularity of SPACs, the relative merits of SPACs versus traditional IPOs and direct listings, the concerns expressed by regulators regarding SPACs, and the prospects for SPAC activity in the coming months.
Financial Markets
Be Crystal Clear Sound Bath Meditation
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM PDT
Wellness Garden
A Sound Bath Meditation is a deeply relaxing experience that uses specifically tuned vibrational instruments such as crystal singing bowls and gongs to tune into your chakra energy centers using different tones and frequencies. The experience will promote deep meditation, help diminish insomnia, alleviate anxiety and stress, and heighten clarity while improving the ability to concentrate. Afterwards you will be left feeling relaxed, restored, and rejuvenated.
Focused on promoting healthy longevity and financial wellness, the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging and its Advisory Board seek to raise awareness, drive change, and ensure that individuals, institutions, and societies are prepared for the realities of population aging. During this private reception, our Advisory Board members and invited guests will network and engage in collaborative discussion on critical issues and opportunities in the aging landscape.
Health & Medical Research
Going Global: The Future of Work
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life—and work—as we know it. Employers across the globe quickly shifted their business models and workplace practices to account for the restrictions and challenges posed by the pandemic. While most have successfully transitioned to remote work, new challenges around a "return to office" are top of mind. What are the lessons learned? If a job can be done from anywhere, can the search for talent finally go global? And how has the past year transformed and shaped our perception of the future of work?
Business & Industry Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
The Milken Institute cordially invites you to an exclusive reception for our speakers, sponsors, and distinguished guests. We hope you will join us for this reception.
Milken Institute Young Leaders Circle Fireside Chat with Frank Luntz (Invite only)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
Spring Place - 9800 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills
Please join the Milken Institute for a private cocktail reception and fireside chat with its Young Leaders Circle and Frank Luntz, Founder and President of Luntz Global. One of the most honored and expert communication professionals in America, Luntz will join the Young Leaders Circle members for an off-the-record discussion on what matters most today in business, economics, and politics.
Bipolar Disorder Funders Dinner (Invite only)
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Mirame - 419 N Canon Drive, Beverly Hills
Health & Medical Research Philanthropy & Social Impact

Aligned and At Ease Yoga
6:00 AM - 6:45 AM PDT
Wellness Garden
An alignment-based, slow flow practice to create an energized body and a quiet mind. All levels of skill welcome. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Global Conference Registration
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT
Hilton Lobby
Workout with Dogpound
6:30 AM - 7:15 AM PDT
Dogpound - 627 N. Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

This 45-minute workout led by Dogpound's elite trainers will address full body conditioning movements designed to improve performance, enhance mobility, and build strength. Each of Dogpound's daily sessions will leave you feeling strong, energized, and balanced within body and mind.

*A complimentary shuttle will leave the Beverly Hilton at 6:00am to the Dogpound West Hollywood location (627 N Robertson Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069) and return after the class.

Continental Breakfast
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden and Executive Center Foyer
"The future is dark. What if the darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?" Named as one of the female prophets of our time, Valarie Kaur reframes the present moment in history as one of transition and calls on us to show up in the labor of birthing a new future. Her message has inspired millions of people around the globe. Come hear her groundbreaking framework for "revolutionary love"—a practice to equip people to build anti-racist and sustainable communities, backed by research and infused with ancestral wisdom.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
This private breakfast salon will convene leaders across industries for an intimate, data-driven conversation focused on how business can both improve society and drive growth post-pandemic. Leveraging robust and exclusive global data from the Milken Institute-Harris Poll’s Listening Project, this session will focus on the top 10 global challenges, the leadership skills needed to address them, and the business outcomes likely to result from tackling these challenges. The session will kick off with Harris Poll CEO John Gerzema unveiling new global data from the partnered report; followed by breakout discussions on critical business issues identified in the global research; and conclude with a facilitated group discussion on learnings, takeaways, and new ideas. Participants will be given exclusive global business insights and country reports to inform their discussion.
Business & Industry Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Society & Culture
A Conversation with Ambassador Roya Rahmani
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM PDT
Citi Terrace
Regions & Developing Markets
Institutional Investors: Rethinking 60/40?
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
Despite the prolonged impact of the pandemic—amplified by the Delta variant—the global economy is recovering. But the reverberations have analysts and asset managers questioning whether conventional wisdom still applies in the new investment landscape. As bond yields are squeezed, and alternative asset allocation grows, are financial cornerstones like the 60/40 rule still relevant? How can institutional investors adapt their portfolios to exceed benchmarks without risking fund stability? Join us for a discussion on the current macroeconomic environment and how it is driving investment decisions.
Financial Markets
Biomedical research relies on commercial investment, grant funding, and private donations to accelerate drug development, run clinical trials, and support innovation in health technologies. Coordinated approaches are needed to ensure rapid transfer of treatments to patients. The pandemic has revealed inequitable practices in medical care and research. Health equity must be embedded in medical R&D. What incentives induce funders to support equity in research? How can finance and business align with philanthropy in health equity investment? What metrics would predict the impact of finance, business, grant funding, and sponsorship on equity in biomedical R&D? Panelists involved in industry, research, and policy share perspectives on the impact of investing in health equity. They will appraise current and future funding aimed at improving outcomes among patients who experience the widest health and socioeconomic disparities.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Financial Markets Health & Medical Research
With many economies still reeling from the pandemic and social and economic inequalities widening, the finance community needs new instruments that can make a positive impact on communities in need while also yielding high returns. Investors increasingly recognize they have a role to play in addressing social inequities, the roots of climate change, and other externalities that negatively affect asset prices. Given the backdrop of crisis and disruption, our panel of leading financial practitioners will explore how we can reimagine future investment opportunities that use sustainable business practices to promote a more inclusive economy. They will address the crucial question: How can innovative financial tools and policies generate social benefits and wider prosperity as well as meaningful returns?
Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Sustainability & Environment
Worker, Workforce, and Workplace of the Future
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom

This session will begin with remarks from Amy Klobuchar, US Senator, Minnesota, followed by a panel discussion on Worker, Workforce, and Workplace of the Future.

The confluence of the crises of 2020 transformed the way we live and work. They also transformed the way we think about the worker, the workforce, and the workplace. What are the everchanging needs of an everchanging workforce? How can employers and employees work together to reimagine work so that it honors and values the worker, while maximizing productivity and profit? Can the challenges of the past provide us with an opportunity to chart a new course for all constituencies?

Business & Industry Human Capital, Jobs, & Education
An experience which encompasses the integration of mindful movement, restorative poses, essential oils, reiki, and in-body meditations. While these can be done either seated or lying down, it is the integration of these modalities which lends itself to a balance of mind, body, and breath. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes each.
A Conversation with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM PDT
Wilshire Ballroom

This session will feature a conversation with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Yahoo Finance's Andy Serwer. Secretary Raimondo will be joining Global Conference virtually, while Andy Serwer conducts the interview live from the Beverly Hilton.
Business & Industry Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Financial Markets Policy, Politics, & Regulation
To compensate for decades of deferred maintenance and disinvestment and to 'build back better,' cities, regions, and states must reimagine traditional economic development models for access to a broad array of financial solutions leveraging capital markets. They must also establish, monetize, and catalyze project pipelines to maintain delivery while establishing vibrant economic centers. To accelerate infrastructure development, leaders will need to establish a collaborative policy framework for accelerating project delivery, increasing investment, and meeting local community development goals. Panelists will respond to the following questions and challenges with potential solutions and actions: How can leaders access and widen the capital pool and modernize infrastructure investment models? How can state and local leaders structure governance frameworks that better align with federal financing tools and incentives?
Financial Markets
Future of Finance
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
In a digital world, opportunity is potentially limitless. As economies continue to shift to digital, data analytics and digital assets have turned from supporting tools to main drivers of innovation. How can investors and institutions adapt to a world where the intangible is taking center stage? How can digitalization help with hard-to-access assets and financial inclusion? And how will giving consumers greater control over their data help address issues related to competition, innovation, and consumer data privacy in the financial sector?
Financial Markets
The COVID-19 pandemic has crystallized our collective trauma. People had to learn how to grieve as a globe, as a continent, as a country, as a city. Most importantly, they learned to grieve as a family: joining with the many Americans who mourned more than 600,000 lost loved ones. Reflections from a sympathetic and learned panel will guide us in converting our loss and pain into emotional healing and energy. We'll learn to draw strength from losses and emerge into a new year and beyond with clarity and vision, compassion and purpose.
Society & Culture
Reinforcing Mutual Prosperity: The US-Mexico Relationship
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Wilshire Garden
The storied history of US-Mexico relations entered a new phase in 2020, with elections on both sides of the border, new leadership in the US, and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) coming into force, all amidst the pandemic and the pandemic-induced recession. COVID-19 exposed the risks associated with geographically dispersed supply chains, and each country's response to the pandemic impacted manufacturing and clouded investment outlooks. Despite this, the US-Mexico trade relationship is as strong as ever, with each country the primary trading partner of the other. While policy disagreements on immigration and security persist, the mutual commitment to shared prosperity presents significant cross-border opportunities for economic growth. Will the differences in policy outweigh issues of mutual interest in the coming years? How do cross-border corporations plan to navigate this relationship?
Regions & Developing Markets
When the novel coronavirus made it to India in early 2020, contagion forecasts were high, given the country's dense urban areas, localized government units, and unequal health-care systems. Like many countries, India saw a daily increase in cases throughout the year, peaking at just under 100,000 cases per day before steadily dropping. This year it experienced a second wave, with infections reaching a high of just over 400,000 new cases per day. Many hospitals were overwhelmed, and there were shortages of oxygen. Even so, overall, India has bucked the trend, registering lower rates of infection and death than countries with much smaller populations and more advanced economies. Why have the infection and mortality rates in India been relatively low? What role did community groups and local institutions play in stemming infection and maintaining livelihoods? What lessons from India's example can be applied to countries facing new infection waves?
Regions & Developing Markets
Opportunity in the Private Markets (Invite only)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Throughout a strong year for public markets, private markets continue to offer investors a plethora of opportunities across asset classes, with robust fundraising and deal making. Leading institutional investors will discuss where returns look the most promising in private markets and what are the risks to long-term capital allocations. The discussion will also cover the effect of the pandemic on private markets and what the future may bring along with an uneven global recovery.
Financial Markets
Future of Wealth Management (Invite only)
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM PDT
The rapid acceleration of technology has disrupted every industry, including wealth management. The evolution thus far has focused on broadening access to an ever-expanding investment opportunity set, while making it easier and faster to implement innovative financial solutions. At the same time, a flexible and technologically driven approach to education has helped bridge the gap between financial advisors and investors. While the future of wealth management may look very different from the past, the goal must always be to enhance investor outcomes and ensure access for all.
Financial Markets

This session will feature a conversation with former Commissioner of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb and MSNBC's Alex Witt. Scott Gottlieb will be joining Global Conference virtually, while Alex Witt conducts the interview live from the Beverly Hilton.
Health & Medical Research
Addressing the Roots of Inequality in Housing
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Citi Terrace

This session will begin with remarks from Marcia L. Fudge, Secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, followed by a panel discussion on Addressing the Roots of Inequality in Housing.

Homeownership is the historic cornerstone of wealth creation in the US, and has been denied to generations of Black and Brown Americans. For decades, this injustice has prevented equity creation and wealth transfer in communities of color. Across the country, the construction of new and affordable housing units has historically been limited by economic zoning restrictions—the legacy of redlining and other discriminatory lending practices—as well as gaps in local funding and resistance from established residents. The failure not only to add appropriate housing supply but to offer the requisite financial tools and credit to Black and Brown people has furthered obstacles to improving social mobility and obtaining the American dream. What steps can leaders take to induce and incentivize equitable housing development? For a post-COVID plan, how can they structure complementary demand financial tools at the federal level as part of an equitable economic recovery?

Capital Access & Economic Opportunity Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

This session will open with a conversation with Steve Case, Chairman and CEO, Revolution, followed by a panel discussion on The Rise and Rise of Venture Capital.

Technically, the COVID-19 pandemic caused an economic recession. For VC investments, however, the pandemic worked like a steroid that accelerated the underlying trends investors were betting on. But will the embrace of a remote-everything environment lead to continued high growth by providing new opportunities and markets across the globe, or are investors in for a reality check? What does the growth in deal sizes and ease of exits through SPACs mean for investors and entrepreneurs? Join us for a discussion of the recent and coming changes across the venture landscape.

Part 1: 

  • Guest Steve Case, Chairman and CEO, Revolution
  • Moderator Jared Carney, Founder and CEO, Lightdale, LLC

Part 2:

  • Moderator Jared Carney, Founder and CEO, Lightdale, LLC
  • Speaker Monica Adractas, Managing Director, Head of Venture Capital Funds, CPP Investments
  • Speaker Anthony Doeh, Partner, SoftBank Investment Advisers
  • Speaker James Montgomery, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, March Capital
  • Speaker Jack Selby, Managing Director, Thiel Capital
Financial Markets
Streamers' Global Dominance: Pulling the Future Forward
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Oasis Pavilion
Since early 2020, COVID-19 has dominated headlines, wreaked havoc on our health and well-being—and forced us inside and in front of screens. The year 2020 cemented the global dominance of the streaming giants, with soaring subscriptions and profits for Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube, while new competitors, including Disney, NBCUniversal, Viacom, and WarnerMedia, carved out market share. The average American now has access to over 100,000 hours worth of streaming content, while overall time spent streaming increased by 75% in 2020. The other seismic shift has been the major increase in video, music, and games consumed via over-the-top (OTT) and subscription video-on-demand (SVOD), a sector that is projected to grow at nearly 15 percent to over $75 billion by 2024. Where are these markets headed? Is there a saturation point in terms of fees and content?
Business & Industry Technology & Innovation
Things that Will Blow Your Mind
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom
The crises of 2020 disrupted and constrained our lives unlike anything that's come before. However, with great leadership, great disruption can be transformed into great opportunity. Three visionary entrepreneurs will let you in on their breakthrough innovations—and they will blow your mind.
Technology & Innovation
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic raged most fiercely in the United States and Europe, while many emerging market regions escaped relatively unscathed from the worst of the health impacts. But in 2021, the virus has devastated millions of lives in India, much of Southeast Asia, and Latin America, and is on the rise in Africa. This panel will explore the economic and developmental impacts of the ongoing health crisis. What are the major risks for long-term social and economic development? What strategies can best help emerging market countries navigate their way to a robust recovery?
Regions & Developing Markets
After nearly a century—from New Deal initiatives in the 1930s and the War on Poverty in the 1960s through public-private partnership models such as Enterprise and Opportunity Zones, social impact and green bonds, to newer philanthropic investments in civic infrastructure, we still struggle to blend public and private capital effectively for investing in underserved communities at scale. Now, new place-based initiatives for COVID recovery are funneling billions into local depository institutions, state small business credit programs, local government services and infrastructure, and climate/environmental justice (e.g., the Justice 40). Are investors of all types doing enough to ensure that individual frameworks are structured effectively to support community-led development aims? Cross-sectoral experts will discuss potential strategic interventions that policy-makers, public/muni finance, and impact investors might adopt to break through silos and scale up the community success stories we all want. This solution-focused session will anchor discussion around specific projects and strategies for funding and financing community infrastructure, and related capacity building and technical assistance.
Financial Markets
Stretch It Out
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM PDT
Wellness Garden
Work out the kinks with this chair-based practice to help you safely create greater range of motion and ease. Strategically work deep into the muscles and joints, while calming your mind. If you are feeling tight, tense, or not as flexible as you’d like, you’ll walk out refreshed with a new spring in your step, and a few tools to take back to the office!
Boxed Lunch Pick-up
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM PDT
Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer
Boxed lunches will be available in the Beverly Hills Ballroom Foyer, Pavilion Breezeway, and Executive Center Foyer.
The Future of Political Parties
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM PDT
International Ballroom
The 2020 elections brought to the fore crucial questions facing the nation's political parties and electorate. The coalitions underpinning each party's electoral strength, while never fixed, appear to be shifting more rapidly than at any point in the last 50 years. The balance between the primary drivers of voting outcomes—ideology, material considerations, and party and social identification—seems to be shifting. Equally important will be the role that specific personalities and candidates have in driving realignments and whether they persist longer term. Do these trends point to new allegiances within the electorate? Will electoral outcomes be determined more by the consolidation of existing coalitions, or by circumstances and personalities unique to any particular election? This panel will examine these important questions and more, including the relevance of third parties and the short- and medium-term trends most likely to shape the political parties of the United States.
Policy, Politics, & Regulation
A Conversation with Governor of California Gavin Newsom
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM PDT
International Ballroom
Policy, Politics, & Regulation
Meet the Author: Andrew Yang "Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy"
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Poolside - West
Closing Reception
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Poolside - West