A Call to Action for Health Equity: Solutions from the Front Lines for Local and National Efforts
Yasmeen Long
Director, FasterCures
Yasmeen Long is a director with the FasterCures team of MI Health. Her expertise lies within health equity, disparities, outcomes, policy, clinical research, patient engagement, and social determinants of health.
Amanda Wagner Gee
Associate Director, FasterCures, Milken Institute Health
Amanda Wagner Gee is an associate director with the FasterCures team of the Milken Institute, working on health equity and diversity in clinical trials and infrastructure for community-based clinical research. Her expertise is in areas related to clinical and preclinical research design and conduct.
Athena Rae Roesler
Associate Director, Public Health, Milken Institute Health
Athena Rae Roesler is an associate director on the public health team at Milken Institute Health. Her work champions and evaluates public health policies, solutions, and partnerships to build a more equitable world.