News Release

Milken Institute COVID-19 Tracker Update Identifies Dozens of New Treatments and Vaccines in Development

Two potential vaccines moving to clinical trial stage in addition to WHO’s global SOLIDARITY trial

WASHINGTON, March 26, 2020 — The Milken Institute COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker has identified 16 new treatments in the pipeline along with nine new vaccine candidates since launching one week ago.

Two potential vaccines have advanced to clinical trials. They are being developed by Moderna, Inc. and CanSino Biologics. In addition, the World Health Organization announced the global SOLIDARITY trial to develop treatments for the disease.

In total, the Milken Institute is now tracking 71 treatments and 47 vaccines in development. Treatments are grouped into candidate categories, including antibodies, antivirals, cell-based therapies, among others.

The tracker has been updated to include more detail, including FDA-approved indications, clinical trials ongoing for other diseases, timing, as well as for vaccines, related uses, such as whether the same platform was used to create other vaccines and for which pathogens. In coming days, the tracker will include expanded information about clinical trials and the results for each candidate.

The COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker is produced and maintained by FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, with an Advisory Council comprised of three former FDA chiefs, a Nobel Laureate biologist, and key industry leaders.

"We are continuing to see a full-court press from the biomedical research and development community to find a solution to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Esther Krofah, executive director of FasterCures. "I am more hopeful than ever that there will be a surge of treatment and vaccine candidates making their way into clinical trials, and into the hands of patients."

The Milken Institute COVID-19 vaccine development and treatment tracker is compiled from publicly available sources. The information is updated regularly. 

The Milken Institute welcomes input on new vaccines and treatments in development. Please email [email protected] to contact the research team.