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Who Wins on Wall Street? GameStop, Robinhood, and the State of Retail Investing

Congressional Testimony
Who Wins on Wall Street? GameStop, Robinhood, and the State of Retail Investing
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 | 10 am ET | Remote
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Witness List

  • Professor Gina-Gail S. Fletcher, Professor Of Law, Duke University School of Law

  • Ms. Rachel J. Robasciotti, Founder & CEO, Adasina Social Capital

  • Dr. Teresa Ghilarducci, Bernard L. And Irene Schwartz Professor Of Economics, The New School

  • The Honorable Michael S. Piwowar, Executive Director, Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets

  • Mr. Andrew N. Vollmer, Senior Affiliated Scholar, Mercatus Center
