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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Featured Past Events | Africa

Featured Past Events
Abuja, June 6, 2024
Implementing Nigeria’s National Strategic Cancer Control Plan 2023-2027 and National Cancer Research Agenda 2024-2028
By invitation of the Minister of Health of Nigeria and the Nigerian National Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, and in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Milken Institute convened a private roundtable with stakeholders from the global cancer clinical and research ecosystem.
London, June 18, 2024
Graduation of Second Cohort of World Bank - Milken Institute Public Financial Asset Management Scholars
This event brought together 30+ corporate partners to celebrate the graduation of the second cohort of WB-MI PFAM Scholars, future leaders from central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and pension funds from across developing and emerging markets.
Tuesday April 16, 2024 in Washington, DC
Financial Inclusion at the Frontier: Digital Asset Regulation in Africa
The Milken Institute brought African policymakers and industry together for a private conversation on digital asset regulation on the continent, to help inform regulations that can support investment and innovation in the sector while transforming the future of finance for African citizens.
Read Roundtable Summary
January 30–February 1, 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
Meeting of the Next Generation of Financial Leaders
This event gathered over 50 rising financial policymakers from 25 countries, who graduated from the IFC-Milken Institute Capital Markets Program, for problem-solving sessions around financial market regulation, financial innovation, and sustainable growth.
September 21, 2023, New York
Invest Africa-Milken Institute Investment Forum: Changing the African Investment Paradigm
Held on the sidelines of the 2023 United Nations General Assembly, this event featured a fireside chat with Kenya's President H.E. William Ruto on strengthening Africa’s partnerships with the rest of the world and the continent’s plans to unlock growth and sustainable development.
December 12, 2022, Washington DC
Milken Institute - Invest Africa US Private Roundtable: Advancing Impact and Innovation
Held on the margins of the 2022 US-Africa Leaders’ Summit, this private program featured Presidents of Ghana and Cameroon, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo and H.E. Paul Biya, to explore how financial tools and markets could be better leveraged to address Africa’s pressing challenges and opportunities.