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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Ready Player All? Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities

Ready Player All? Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities

For the last five years, the future of augmented and virtual reality has been full of promise and hype. In 2017, investment in the industry busted records, surpassing $3 billion. So, are the promises being kept? Is the growth of AR/VR arcades, stand-alone mobile, and at-home systems signs of a maturing industry? Is it delivering on projected business models, and has consumer understanding of the technology advanced? Do devices have access to enough quality content—cinematic, sports, gaming, and more—to capture and hold consumers? The time has come to take an objective look at the viability of the immersive content ecosystem, from technology to production, distribution, and adjacent business opportunities.

Charles Melcher
Founder and CEO, Melcher Media and Future of StoryTelling

Nonny de la Peña
CEO, Emblematic Group

Colin Decker
Chief Operating Officer, WITHIN

Molly DeWolf Swenson
Chief Impact Officer, MAVERICK; Co-Founder, RYOT

Brian Seth Hurst
Founder, Chief Storyteller, StoryTech Immersive

Jake Zim
Senior Vice President, Virtual Reality, Sony Pictures Entertainment
