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The global economic outlook is clouded with uncertainty. Even with the U.S. economy poised for continued growth. However, conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, coupled with the plunging Russian Ruble and the prospect of higher U.S. interest rates raise critical questions for global investors. China's economy faces the challenge of diminishing growth and a cooling real estate market. Can government reforms ease the transition to a consumption-based society before it's too late? Quantitative easing in Japan and Europe is expected jump-start their economies? But is it too little too late? Can the dollar maintain its strength, and how will it influence the U.S. recovery? What effect will oil prices have on global markets? Should market participants give equal weight to deflationary pressures as they do inflationary? Our panelist of investment gurus will offer their insight and pose questions of their own.

Moderator: Nora Everett
Speakers: John Calamos Sr., Sarah Ketterer, Robert Kricheff, Morris Mark, Clifton Robbins