Wednesday, March 10 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am PT
While the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many of the fault lines in the biomedical innovation ecosystem that have slowed progress for decades, we have also shown ourselves capable of innovating in ways we perhaps did not think possible. Unprecedented research collaboration, accelerated product development, innovative clinical trial designs and methods, use of real-world data and evidence, a commitment to addressing racial and ethnic disparities in health care and research – these have not been perfect or without controversy, but there have been some “silver linings.” How can we ensure that the lessons of this crisis are not lost when the current urgency subsides—not only for combatting future infectious disease outbreaks but also for conducting every other aspect of biomedical R&D?
Esther Krofah
Executive Director, FasterCures, Milken Institute
Francis Collins
Director, National Institutes of Health
Richard Moscicki
Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of Science and Regulatory Advocacy, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
Ellen Sigal
Chairperson and Founder, Friends of Cancer Research
Janet Woodcock
Acting Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Milken Institute Virtual Forums
In light of the global pandemic, the Milken Institute has expanded our convening ability to include a wide variety of virtual engagement opportunities. Our Virtual Forums gather our global community of thought leaders and issue-area experts to tackle a wide range of critical issues, many stemming from the impacts of COVID-19, such as vaccine development and distribution, loneliness and social isolation, remote learning, retirement security, and more. Each Virtual Forum is broadcast to a curated group of invited participants that are able to interact with the expert panel through moderated audience Q&A, while also being livestreamed to a global audience via the Milken Institute website and social media.