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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Feng Shui Your Life: A Formula for Prosperity

Feng Shui Your Life: A Formula for Prosperity

Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese philosophy that considers the impact of spatial design on one's energy, has merged with the Western mainstream since the 1990s. The practice has been applied in areas from health to wealth, career and family, including successful urban planning projects in New York City and Feng Shui schools springing up in U.S. cities. More than just interior decoration, the practice has expanded into big corporations, and many believe its principles can explain the unrest and unbalance in today's world. The panel will discuss:

The importance of Feng Shui, especially to the ethnic Chinese population
The benefits of Feng Shui in creating a peaceful and productive environment at home and in the workplace
How Feng Shui predicted the unrest of 2016 and what the predictions are for the next few years.

Curtis S. Chin, Asia Fellow, Milken Institute; Former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank

Naomi Campbell, Model, Actress and Businesswoman
Sherry Chris, CEO, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate
Pun-Yin, Feng Shui Master
