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Building on the session at the London Summit, this session will focus on the need for effective collaboration among military, civilian, and governmental personnel and entities to face a significant ongoing threat to the global economy. It will include a discussion of cyber warfare and cybersecurity in space technology, examples of recent high-profile hacking episodes, and how public- and private-sector actors must collaborate to face significant and ongoing threats, including industrial espionage, to everything from GPS to the electrical grid. What are the emergent protective technologies, and how do the exigent threats today affect the way we conduct interstate relations, trade, and warfare in the future—including military technology procurement? How are military and civilian companies working together to combat this modern threat?


Dmitri Alperovitch
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, CrowdStrike



John Demers
Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice


Anne Neuberger
Senior Advisor to the Director, National Security Agency


Eric Rosenbach
Co-Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School