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The current era of globalization has been defined by advances in technology that have reduced the costs of transportation and communication. Around the world, corporations took advantage of these trends to construct intricate and lucrative supply chains built on the efficiencies offered by just-in-time production strategies. In recent years, however, political tensions, conflicts, the global pandemic, and rising costs have pushed many businesses to consider relocating their operations as well as making a more radical shift to just-in-case strategies that maximize flexibility and resilience. As the world emerges from the pandemic, it's time to look at how these dynamics are reshaping supply chains around the world. Which countries and industries are likely to thrive? And how should the current global trade regime respond to calls for more sustainable supply chain management?


Matthew Rees
President, Geonomica


Kate Barton
Global Vice Chair, Tax, EY

Nina Hachigian
Los Angeles Deputy Mayor of International Affairs; former US Ambassador to ASEAN

Reta Jo Lewis
President and Chair, EXIM Board of Directors

Scott Myers
CEO, Advanced Converting Works

Jackie Sturm
Corporate Vice President, Global Supply Chain Operations, Intel