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Necessity begets ingenuity, an adage incontrovertibly proved by the technology and Fintech landscapes of Latin America. In just four years, the region has gone from producing two to 34 unicorns, and the innovation ecosystem continues to expand exponentially. Investors are taking notice. Latin America has seen venture capital grow from $2.2 billion in 2017 to $13.1 billion in 2021. Brazil has taken the lead, with an astounding 17,987 start-ups in 2021 (according to Latin America Business stories [LABS]) and as home to Nubank, now the world's largest digital bank with more than 40 million customers and a $30 billion valuation. The untapped opportunity in LATAM is hard to ignore, driven by a young and sizable population of more than 650 million, one of the highest adoption rates of mobile technology worldwide, favorable regulatory environments, and a growing, and increasingly better developed investor ecosystem aided by a strong culture of corporate responsibility.


Irene Arias Hofman


Pedro De Garay Montero
CEO, GBM Grupo Bursátil Mexicano

Eduardo della Maggiora
Founder and CEO, Betterfly

Federico Vega