Demand for women and underrepresented groups in the institutional investment industry has accelerated in the past two and a half years. Investing in the American Dream is predicated on equitable representation in asset management and among decision-makers. Less than 1 percent of $80 trillion in US assets under management is managed by women or BIPOC. The state of inclusion in the wider world of asset management is similar: Of industry professionals, fewer than 20 percent and 5 percent, respectively, are women or BIPOC. The broader trend matters: Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above the respective national industry medians. Panelists will explore how public and private stakeholders can parse challenges and solutions to ensure that diverse emerging asset managers are seamlessly considered by institutional investors and that diverse investment professionals are valued at all levels of top investment firms.
Tiffany McGhee
CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Pivotal Advisors; CNBC Contributor
Tina Byles Williams
CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Xponance
Neal Wilson
Co-CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer, EJF Capital LLC
Eric Epstein
President, Davidson Kempner
Wendy Guillies
President and CEO, Kauffman Foundation
Justin Steele
Director, Americas, Google