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May 4 at 2:45 pm PDT | Digital Nationalism: The Future of War, Defense, and International Diplomacy

May 4 at 2:45 pm PDT | Digital Nationalism: The Future of War, Defense, and International Diplomacy

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine underscores the new reality of war—it takes place on the ground, in the air—and in our digital systems and servers. Like businesses and banking networks, the rules of engagement for national defense have been revolutionized by emerging technologies, including FinTech. Moreover, these new technologies are crystallizing a new frontier for global competition as international superpowers compete for dominance over global financial systems. With growing tensions between the US, China and Russia, how will the adoption of new technological capabilities shift superpowers' influence on a global scale? Will crypto and blockchain currencies allow state and non-state actors to evade the impact of economic sanctions? Does the current state of world affairs make the US more vulnerable to cyberattacks, and if so, what preventative measures can be taken to reduce harm?

Opening Remarks

Michael Klowden
CEO, Milken Institute


Kal Raustiala
Director, UCLA Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations


Jacob Helberg
Best Selling Foreign Policy Author; Venture Capital Investor, The Brookings Institution

Sigal Mandelker
General Partner, Ribbit Capital; former Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

Robert Silvers
Under Secretary for Policy, US Department of Homeland Security

Tomicah Tillemann
Global Chief Policy Officer, Haun Ventures