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May 3 at 11:30 am PDT | Investing Trends in Biotechnology

May 3 at 11:30 am PDT | Investing Trends in Biotechnology

The pandemic has brought us all a renewed appreciation of biomedical innovation, so it was good to see 2021 emerge as such a big year for biotech investment and IPOs. In addition to more money directed to this space, financial and technological innovations, more commonly found outside the biomedical sphere, are tapping into larger capital flows and improving business efficiencies. What trends should investors be tracking, and how can more funds be directed toward underinvested but high-need areas of research?


Kate Sheridan
Research Reporter, STAT News


Arie Belldegrun
Chairman, Bellco Capital

Kathryne Cooper
Partner, Jumpstart Nova

Jack Hidary
Head of Sandbox AQ

Christopher Hite
Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman, Royalty Pharma

Robert Nelsen
Co-Founder and Managing Director, ARCH Venture Partners