
Twelve Things You Need to Know About the Housing Market

It was six years ago this week that the Federal Housing Finance Agency placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorships. Since then, the US housing system has made significant progress, yet critical challenges and much work remain...
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Edward DeMarco

Formerly Milken Institute

Rebuilding Housing Finance: Thoughts from California on Federal Reform

Both in the foreclosure crisis and in the recent recovery, California has represented a bellwether of the national housing market. The housing crisis that began in 2007 caused considerable economic damage in California and across the...
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Light-skinned male-presenting person with dark hair wearing a black jacket with white button-up shirt in front of a light gray background

John Schellhase

Director, Environmental and Social Innovation , Milken Institute Philanthropy
John Schellhase is a director with Milken Institute Philanthropy, where his work focuses on social impact philanthropy. As part of his work, Schellhase contributes to and manages projects related to strengthening corporate philanthropy and operating innovation competitions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Catalytic Finance for Nutrition

This report presents conclusions from a two-day Financial Innovations Lab® on catalytic financing for nutrition facilitated by the Milken Institute in May 2013. Participants included a broad mix of government representatives from countries...
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