Center for Public Health

Milken Institute Statement on ARPA-H Inclusion in FY2022 Spending Bill

Esther Krofah Executive Director Milken Institute FasterCures and Center for Public Health FasterCures, a Center of the Milken Institute, is pleased to see the inclusion of $1 billion in funding for a new Advanced Research Projects Agency...
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A smiling dark-skinned female-presenting individual with black hair wearing a black shirt and a pearl necklace against a dark gray gradient background

Esther Krofah

Executive Vice President, Milken Institute Health
Esther Krofah is the executive vice president of Milken Institute Health, leading FasterCures, Public Health, the Future of Aging, and Feeding Change. She has extensive experience managing efforts to unite diverse stakeholders to solve critical issues and achieve shared goals that improve patients’ lives.