Statement of Support

Milken Institute Statement on ARPA-H Inclusion in FY2022 Spending Bill

Esther Krofah
Executive Director
Milken Institute FasterCures and Center for Public Health

FasterCures, a Center of the Milken Institute, is pleased to see the inclusion of $1 billion in funding for a new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) in the omnibus FY22 spending bill recently passed. We have long supported the deployment of DARPA-like authorities and capabilities for more high-risk, solutions-oriented medical research and development. We are gratified that this concept is moving forward at a time when the critical importance of fast-paced, collaborative, cutting-edge science is front and center in the attention of policymakers and the public.

Securing this funding is a critical step, and we look forward to engaging with Congress in developing and passing authorizing legislation needed to equip ARPA-H with the tools required for the new agency to be effective in achieving its mission to drive solutions to health challenges of high unmet need and low innovation activity.

MEDIA CONTACT: Chad Clinton (202.262.1067; [email protected])