
Donna Grande

CEO, American College of Preventive Medicine

Donna Grande, MGA, is the Chief Executive Officer of the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) and has over 25 years of experienced leadership and is a passionate health professional and preventionist who applies evidence-based principles and cutting-edge strategies to improve people, processes, and health conditions. She has developed and led high-impact chronic disease campaigns for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and managed and directed key strategic health initiatives for The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, American Medical Association, and the Visiting Nurse Associations of America. As ACPM CEO in Washington, DC representing over 2,000 physicians dedicated to prevention and population health, Donna leads a team of professionals to strategically align and enhance Policy, Advocacy & Communications, Professional Programs & Education, as well Membership and Board Governance to advance the important mission for Prevention. She is a member of the American Public Health Association, a volunteer with the Annapolis Wellness House and served as a mentor for the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s Mid-Atlantic Region where she previously served as President. 
