
Ansbert Gadicke

Managing Partner, BioImpact Capital and Managing Director, MPM Capital

Dr. Ansbert Gadicke is Managing Partner of BioImpact Capital and founder and Managing Director of MPM Capital. He is the driving force behind building leading biopharmaceutical companies such as BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, Idenix Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Merck & Co.), Mitobridge (acquired by Astellas), and Pharmasset (acquired by Gilead Sciences) and, more recently, ElevateBio, Cullinan Oncology (NASDAQ: CGEM), and Orna Therapeutics. Ansbert is a member of the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows and the Research Advisory Council of Massachusetts General Hospital. Ansbert received an M.D. from J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt and held research positions at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Harvard University. While at the German Cancer Research Center, he focused on HPV16 and 18 in Professor Harald zur Hausen’s group (Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 2008). Ansbert has published in leading scientific journals such as Nature and Cell.


Event Panel

Part 2: The Future of the mRNA Revolution
