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Global Opportunity Index

Global Opportunity Index
Measures a country’s attractiveness to international investors using a combination of economic, financial, institutional, and regulatory factors.
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The Global Opportunity Index measures a country’s attractiveness to international investors using a combination of economic, financial, institutional, and regulatory factors. These factors are divided into five categories and 14 subcategories displayed in the inner and outer circles of the chart below. To see the variables included in each category, hover over the 14 sub-categories displayed below.

The interactive map gives users the ability to compare how a country performs at the category level relative to their peers – determined by geographic region and income level.

The map also includes historical Global Opportunity Index data, allowing users to track a country/region’s performance, starting in 2017. While the variables have changed over time to keep up with the expectations of the investment community, the underlying purpose of the ranking has remained the same.

The heat maps provide information on the 14 sub-categories of the GOI, with countries that rank first by each sub-category in blue in the top left corner and countries that rank last in orange in the bottom right corner of the heatmap. Users can also highlight a country or select a group of countries determined by region or income level.

Interactive Map

Sub-Category Heat Map

Related Work

- Global Opportunity Index 2021: Focus on Latin America
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- Global Opportunity Index 2018: A European Experience
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- Cross-Border Investment in Europe: From Macro to Financial Data
- Global Opportunity Index 2017, Beyong FDI: Lessons from Asia
- Trade Finance: A Catalyst for Growth in Asia

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