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Next-Generation Digital Public Infrastructure

Key Takeaways

  • Developers should not expect to internalize all revenue from public infrastructure. But at the other extreme, zero-revenue models can hinder the maintenance and sustainability of projects.

  • Adoption is not guaranteed by making usage free of charge; awareness, trust, and value-add are also required.

  • Be highly intentional about financial inclusion—it does not arise automatically out of Web3 or open source.

  • Open-source software can help under-resourced countries leverage others’ work without becoming dependent on external vendors, thus mitigating geopolitical risk.

  • To comply with domestic regulations and international sanctions, Web3-based public infrastructure cannot be fully permissionless.

  • Common standards are needed to prevent regulatory arbitrage and enable cross-border solutions, such as in climate.

  • Interoperability starts with governance, and governance boils down to self-interest: economic resilience for individuals, and helping businesses and micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises grow.