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Frequently Asked Questions | Tambourine’s ALS Breakthrough Research Fund RFP

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Frequently Asked Questions
Tambourine’s ALS Breakthrough Research Fund RFP


Do I need preliminary data to qualify for this opportunity?  
We do not require preliminary data for this application, as we want to encourage those with novel ideas to apply. 
Are fellows and postdocs eligible to apply? 
All applications must be led by an independent investigator who holds a doctorate (e.g. PhD, MD, etc.) and independently manages a research program. However, fellows and postdocs may be included alongside the independent investigator. 
I am not in the ALS field. Can I be a lead principal investigator?  
You need not be an ALS researcher to apply for this grant as a single principal investigator (PI). However, we do recommend informally or formally collaborating with someone who does have expertise in the field to ensure that your research aims are relevant to the field. 
I am based in a non-US institution. Can I apply? 
Yes, individuals from institutions around the world are welcome to apply for this grant program. 
I will be applying with a collaborator from another country. Are we eligible? How would we be funded? 
Yes, teams consisting of individuals from different countries are welcome to apply. We will fund one institution, and the partner organizations will be subgrantees of the funded institution. You will need to designate which of your organizations will be receiving the funds and which of your organizations would be the subgrantee. Tambourine and the Milken Institute are not responsible for the conversion of dollars into other forms of currency. 

Is there a limit to the number of collaborators that can be engaged in one proposal? 
There is no limit to how many collaborators may be engaged in a single proposal. 
The request for proposals (RFP) calls for basic, mechanistic, and discovery-driven research. If my proposed study involves humans, will it be considered “too clinical” to be considered for funding? 
This opportunity welcomes applications that apply mechanistic inquiry across species (e.g., mouse to human), as long as the inquiry itself is basic in nature. 
Can multiple investigators from an institution apply separately? 

Yes. An institution may support multiple proposals, but each proposal must be led by a unique PI (e.g., an investigator may only submit one proposal as the designated PI). 

If I am a PI on one proposal, does this disqualify me from serving as a coinvestigator on another? 
Not at all. While you may only submit one proposal as the designated PI, you may serve as a “co-I” on other proposals submitted in the same round. 
Can a proposal have multiple PIs? 
No. For administrative purposes, there must be one designated PI attached to each proposal. 

Application Logistics 

Where can I find the request for proposals? 
The request for proposals is available for download on our website. Please click the “Download RFP” button. 
How many grants do you intend to fund? 
Tambourine intends to fund up to 10 research grants this cycle, depending on how many applications meet both the scientific and strategic goals of the ALS Breakthrough Research Fund. 
Where can I apply for this opportunity? 
This funding opportunity operates through the Milken Institute’s online grant portal. Submit a letter of intent (LOI).
My question isn’t on this FAQ document. Who can I reach out to for more information? 
Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions not answered in the request for proposals, in the informational webinar recording, or in this FAQ document.