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Ep. 98: Inclusive Capitalism, with TIAA’s Roger Ferguson

Podcast Series

Ep. 98: Inclusive Capitalism, with TIAA’s Roger Ferguson

Episode. 98 : Inclusive Capitalism, with TIAA’s Roger Ferguson

Roger Ferguson

Roger Ferguson

President and CEO, TIAA

“We have to rebuild with a more inclusive capitalism, and I emphasize both of those that as we go forward with crises—and there will be crises—the impact of those crises will not be so heavily defined by the color of one's skin.”

As President and CEO of TIAA, Roger Ferguson manages 1.1 trillion dollars in retirement funds and services spanning the academic, research, medical, and cultural fields. As one of only four Black CEOs currently leading a Fortune 500 company, he knows the importance of making capitalism work for everyone. And, as the former vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve who helped stabilize markets during 9/11, he has seen how resilient the system can be—even in the midst of a pandemic.

“The speed with which markets moved, I think, has been quite breathtaking,” he tells Mike on the podcast. “This may have been the shortest bear market in history, and one of the most rapid trough to peak [recoveries] we've seen in the history of markets. That is a lesson for all of us, how quickly with the action of central banks and others that the markets can turn themselves around.”