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Registration for the 11th annual Asia Summit in Singapore September 18-20 is now open!

Shameela Soobramoney

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Shameela Soobramoney

Chief Sustainability Officer, Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Shameela Soobramoney
Soobramoney has been the chief sustainability officer of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) since 2007. She is responsible for advising the executive committee and board of the JSE Limited on sustainability and the integration into strategy. She represents the JSE on various industry advisory panels related to sustainability, responsible investing, and climate change internationally. As a sustainability specialist she has, inter alia, been a key contributor to the JSE’s work into climate change, the potential for a local market to trade in carbon credits and environment-related products, the development of a Green, Social and Sustainability bonds framework, impact investing, the JSE’s sustainability, innovation, and CSI strategies as well as the annual sustainability investor briefing sessions. Soobramoney is also a non-executive director of the WWF (South Africa), the board chairperson of Ubuntu Wilderness, and a non-executive director (co-opted) of the Green Building Council of South Africa. She is the immediate past chair of the World Federation of Exchange’s (global) Sustainability Working Group and a member of the Strategy Group of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance. Soobramoney completed a master’s degree in sustainability leadership at the University of Cambridge and holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Pretoria, Gordon Institute of Business Science. She is the winner of the IRMSA ESG Sustainability Professional 2020 award.