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Nancy Lublin

Nancy Lublin

CEO, Crisis Text Line
Nancy Lublin
Nancy Lublin enjoys building things that matter. As the CEO and Founder of Crisis Text Line, she is passionate about using technology and data to save lives.   At age 23, she turned a $5,000 inheritance into Dress for Success, a global entity that provides interview suits and career development training to women in need. In 2003, Lublin came to Do Something to rescue it from the ashes. Lublin transformed it into, an organization that leverages technology like social media and texting to reach its audience. Today, is one of the largest youth organizations in the world with more than 6 million members.   In 2013, Lublin launched Crisis Text Line. It now operates in the USA, Canada, UK, and Ireland--and has processed over 150 million messages. Crisis Text Line is heralded as a pioneer in big data for social good, using algorithms to stack-rank the queue based on severity and publishing insights from the data that influence systems change.   She wrote a popular monthly column for Fast Company for two years and has taught graduate-level courses as an adjunct faculty at both Yale and NYU. She is the author of 4 books and sits on the board of McGraw Hill Education and is the board chair for