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Critical Minerals: Mining the Future Economy

2024 Global Conference

Critical Minerals: Mining the Future Economy

Monday, May 6, 2024
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM PDT

Critical minerals are building blocks of the global economy required for the green transition, advanced technologies, and modern defense systems. Demand for lithium, copper, nickel, rare earths, and other essential elements is surging at the same time as geopolitical competition heightens attention to resilience and diversification. How can governments work with the private sector to increase supplies and address national security concerns? What new technologies can be used to mitigate environmental and social challenges? Can alternatives such as recycling and deep-sea mining help meet the pressing need for critical minerals? 

Ari Untracht
Senior Director, Eldridge Industries
Amos Hochstein
Deputy Assistant and Senior Advisor to the President for Energy and Investment, National Security Council, The White House
Shauna McIntyre
CEO, Northvolt Cuberg
Zimi Meka
CEO, Ausenco
Amit Midha
Global CEO, Alat