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Placing New Bets in Biomedical Innovation: Where Is the Next Cure?

2024 Global Conference

Placing New Bets in Biomedical Innovation: Where Is the Next Cure?

Monday, May 6, 2024
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM PDT

We are at the cusp of a golden age in medicine. CRISPR tools and mRNA vaccines are among the many innovations that stand to revolutionize healthcare. Continuing advances in AI promise to accelerate further the development of new treatments and cures. In this session, experts will discuss the breakthroughs that will define the next decade and their implications for patients, health systems, and governments. 

Alice Park
Senior Health Correspondent, TIME
Noubar Afeyan
CEO and Founder, Flagship Pioneering; Founder and Chairman, Moderna
Aloe Blacc
Co-Founder, Major Inc.; Recording Artist; Biotech Entrepreneur
Daphne Koller
Founder and CEO, insitro
Samarth Kulkarni
CEO and Chairman of the Board, CRISPR Therapeutics
Pablo Legorreta
CEO and Founder, Royalty Pharma