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In a World of Disorder: The Return of Great Power Rivalries in Global Affairs

2022 Milken Institute Global Conference

In a World of Disorder: The Return of Great Power Rivalries in Global Affairs

Monday, May 02, 2022
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
International Ballroom
Global leaders face an increasingly uncertain geopolitical environment. As the unipolar, post-Cold War paradigm becomes a historical reference point, a new, multipolar moment has emerged. Despite economic interdependence and long-established platforms for coordination and cooperation, the world's largest nations and regional organizations, including China, the European Union, Russia, and the United States, appear to be entering a new era of great-power rivalries. Economic and technological changes seem set to unleash fragmentation and extreme competition in international economics, security, and culture. Yet incentives for coordination remain strong, particularly in the areas of transnational crime, climate change, and nuclear deterrence. This panel will focus on the cooperation and competition among world powers, international security, and the current state of evolution in global affairs.