
Tom Cotter

Executive Director, Healthcare Ready

A global health and emergency management professional with over a decade of experience in international and domestic emergency response, Tom Cotter, M.P.H., joins the Healthcare Ready team as executive director.Previously, Cotter served as Project HOPE’s Director of Emergency Response and Preparedness for several years. In this role, Tom directed the operation of Project HOPE’s domestic and global coronavirus response efforts, as well as leading responses to major emergencies, developing training for staff responders and medical volunteers, and ensuring quality humanitarian programming around intersectional health needs. Cotter holds a number of licenses and certifications such as Operations and Advanced Incidence Command Systems from FEMA; as well as Disaster Response Leadership in Austere Environments from MGH Global Disaster Response and Psychological First Aid from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Cotter has developed emergency preparedness plans for natural and man-made disasters, and subsequently responded to these crises across the globe, including major earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, infectious disease outbreaks and more in countries such as Haiti and the Philippines.


Event Panel

Reimagining the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain in the United States
