Purva Rawal

Chief Strategy Officer, CMS Innovation Center, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Purva Rawal, Ph.D., is the Chief Strategy Officer at the CMS Innovation Center at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. As part of the Senior Leadership team, she provides guidance and leadership on the execution of the Innovation Center’s strategy. Previously, she was a Principal at CapView Strategies where she developed evidence-based public policy and business strategies for providers, health systems, life sciences companies, and coalitions, and conducted policy research, and published blogs and book chapters on payment and delivery reform innovation and sustainability issues. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University. In 2016, she published a book, The Affordable Care Act: Examining the Facts. Previously, Dr. Rawal served as professional staff on the Senate Budget Committee during the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and as the health and social policy advisor to Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT). She was also a Director in the Health Insurance and Reform Practice at Avalere Health. She began her health policy career as a Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Fellow at the National Academy of Sciences and as a Congressional Fellow for the Society for Research on Child Development and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Rawal received her BA and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Visit Barnes & Noble to learn about Dr. Rawal's latest book The Affordable Care Act: Examining the Facts.