Glenna Crooks

President and CEO, Strategic Health Policy International Inc.

Glenna Crooks, Ph.D., is CEO of Strategic Health Policy International, Inc., and co-founded Global Vaccination Advisors. She was the Global Vice President of Merck&Co., Inc’s Vaccine Business, the Global Head of Merck’s Policy group, and an appointee of President Ronald Reagan in a senior health policy post. A graduate of Indiana University, she was adjunct professor at Drexel University, is a Fellow of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Neuroscience and Society, and a Fellow of the Drexel University Center for Population Health and Community Involvement. She has been a member of corporate and non-profit Boards, was founding Vice-Chair of the Partnership for Prevention, Chair of the National Commission on Rare Diseases, and a member of the National Council of the Institute for Child Health and Human Development. She served on the Board of Scientific Counselors of the Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative and the Institute of Medicine Committee to advise the Department of Defense on bioterrorism/biowarfare countermeasures. She has authored six books, the latest one titled, “The SeniorSage: Building Networks to Support Today’s Longevity Pioneers” currently in press. Her awards include the Congressional Exemplary Service Award for Orphan Products Development and was the first civilian to receive the highest award in public health, the Surgeon General’s Medallion from C. Everett Koop. She was also named a Disruptive Woman to Watch and received the Marie Curie Award. Visit Barnes & Noble to learn more about Dr. Crooks' latest book The NetworkSage: Realize Your Network Superpower.