Suzanne LeBlang

Director of Clinical Relationships, Focused Ultrasound Foundation

With her prior clinical experience as a neuroradiologist and having performed hundreds of focused ultrasound procedures, Suzanne LeBlang, MD, now represents the Foundation by interacting with various manufacturers and clinicians to foster collaborations. She interfaces with the medical community including clinicians and societies at various meetings in order to update the Foundation staff. In coordination with the communications team, she helps increase awareness through oral presentations and articles. She also assists the Chairman and the development team with building relationships with individuals and other foundations. She has published papers and delivered numerous scientific talks in the field of focused ultrasound. Suzanne received her B.A. in Biology and M.D. degree from the University of Miami 6 year Honors Program in Medical Education. She serves on the faculty at the University of Miami Medical School where she is the Radiology Clinical Coordinator for 3rd year M.D./M.P.H. students, and she teaches at the Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine. She has been visiting faculty at several institutions including Harvard University and Ohio State University.