HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah has a unique personality with sky high ambition and determined to make a more peaceful society. She is a mother of four daughters. After spending many years in the Corporate world she became a Social Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. 2011 she started the First Publishing house in the Arab world focusing on Wellbeing. 2013 she started "Alnowair", an NGO that brings social behavioral change in Kuwait using Positive Psychology followed after 2 years with "Bareec" an educational program which establishes a positive learning environment in schools. Her strong belief in how media can change behavior led her to produce 4 award winning films using local Kuwaiti youth and talent. Her passion to help women find their strengths lead her to start "Intisars" a jewellery brand that uses the 5 senses and the power of words. She is on a mission to bring Peace to the Arab world through "Intisar Foundation" a UK based charity that supports women affected by war to alleviate their trauma using Drama Therapy. Her aim is to heal 1 million Arab women.