Yoshihide Suga

Chief Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Office of Japan; Minister in Charge of the Abduction issue and Minister in Charge of Mitigating the Impact of U.S. Forces in Okinawa

Yoshihide Suga is the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Minister in charge of the Abduction Issue, and the Minister in charge of Mitigating the Impact of U.S. Forces in Okinawa. He is also a member of the House of Representatives, representing the Kanagawa 2nd district. Mr. Suga was also the Executive Acting Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan in 2012. In 2006, Mr. Suga was the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister for Privatization of the Postal Services, and Minister of State for Decentralization Reform. He is also a former member of the Yokohama City Council. Mr. Suga holds a B.A. in Law from Hosei University.