Keiko Honda

Executive Vice President and CEO, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group

As CEO of MIGA, the credit enhancement arm of the World Bank Group, Honda works to further the mission of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. MIGA’s portfolio supports cross-border equity investors and lenders in regions where capital is most scarce, by providing coverage against currency inconvertibility and transfer restriction, expropriation, war and civil disturbance, breach of contract, and non-honoring of financial obligations. MIGA is the leading political risk insurance provider in fragile and conflict affected countries. As a personal commitment to raising the visibility of female leaders, Honda launched the annual MIGA’s Gender CEO Award in 2016, acknowledging the achievements and importance of women leaders among MIGA’s clients. Before joining MIGA, Honda was the first woman senior partner in Asia at McKinsey & Company. She also served as a visiting associate professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School and as a professor at Waseda University Graduate School. Prior to that, Honda worked worked for Bain & Company, and Lehman Brothers. Honda holds a bachelor’s degree in consumer economics from Ochanomizu University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.