John Driscoll, Executive Vice President and President, U.S. Healthcare, brings more than25 years of health care experience to Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. Driscoll overseesU.S. Healthcare for WBA with responsibility for Walgreens healthcare assets includingVillageMD, Shields Health Solutions and Carecentrix, Walgreens acquisitions team, PBMcontracting as well as Walgreens organic health care initiatives across the enterprise.Driscoll joined WBA in October 2022, when WBA acquired ownership of CareCentrix,where he served as Chief Executive Officer since 2013. CareCentrix is now an integralpart of WBA’s U.S. Healthcare segment and the only independent, home-centeredplatform that coordinates care to the home for health plans, patients and providers.Prior to CareCentrix, Driscoll served as President at Castlight, a healthcare technologycompany. Previously, he served as Group President for new markets at Medco, wherehe led all acquisitions and investments, retail contracting and developed the first 'fivestar' Medicare part D plan. He also founded and chaired the Surescripts ePrescribingNetwork, building the first cross-industry technology collaborative with competingRetail, PBM, and Health Plans cooperating to enable e-prescribing nationally.Earlier in his career, Driscoll was a member of the executive team at Oxford HealthPlans, serving as Corporate Vice President for government programs. In addition, hewas selected by the White House for its Entrepreneurs in Residence program in 2011 toadvise the Food and Drug Administration on new paths for innovation.He has a B.A. and M.B.A. from Harvard University and holds an MPhil from CambridgeUniversity in England. Driscoll served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Reserve. He chairsthe Waystar Corporation as well as on the boards of directors of the Alliance for Hunger,Business Executives for National Security and Johns Hopkins Medicine.