Angela M. Rodell, Chief Executive Officer of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, was elected to the role in October 2015 by APFC's Board of Trustees. APFC is a state-owned corporation, based in Juneau, Alaska, that manages and invests the assets of the $65 billion Fund. Ms. Rodell also served on APFC's Board of Trustees as Commissioner of the Department of Revenue under Governor Sean Parnell in 2013. In addition to serving as a Trustee, Commissioner Rodell had oversight working with the divisions and 900 employees within Revenue. Ms. Rodell first joined the State of Alaska in 2011 as State Treasurer and Deputy Commissioner over several Revenue divisions, including the Permanent Fund Division. Formerly, Ms. Rodell served as financial advisor to more than $30 billion of transactions for state authorities across nine states. Prior to becoming a financial advisor, Ms. Rodell served as finance officer to Kentucky Housing Corporation. Angela Rodell has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky.