Adrienne Elrod is a political strategist and government affairs expert. She is President of Elrod Strategies, a strategic communications firm specializing in influencer engagement and public affairs. During the 2020 general election, Elrod served as Biden for President’s Director of Surrogate Strategy and Operations, where she deployed surrogates – including elected leaders, celebrities, and other high-level influencers - across the country and via multiple platforms to advance the candidacy of President Biden and Vice President Harris. On the 2016 presidential campaign, Elrod served as Hillary for America’s Director of Strategic Communications. Elrod has also served as Vice President and Communications Director for American Bridge and Correct the Record, a joint communications and research organization founded to defend Hillary Clinton from false and misleading attacks. She served nearly six years as Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, managing legislative and communications agendas. On Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, Elrod served as Regional Press Secretary, Texas Communications Director, and Deputy Director of the Congressional Delegate Selection office. Elrod began her career in President Clinton’s Administration, serving in the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. She later returned to her home state to join the Arkansas Democratic Party as Communications Director and worked at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and several Congressional offices and campaigns.