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Dore Gold

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Dore Gold

President, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; Former Director-General Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State of Israel; Former Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations
Dore Gold

Ambassador Dore Gold is President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He served as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in 1997-1999, and as the Director General of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2015-2016. In that capacity, he was instrumental in expanding Israel's ties in Africa, the Arab world, and Far East. He has served as an advisor on international issues to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and as an envoy to the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf States. Gold has a BA, MA, and PhD from Columbia University. As a senior diplomat and recognized scholar, Gold regularly shares his expertise. He delivered testimony at the US House of Representatives for special Congressional hearings on recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights (2018); moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem (2017); and before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Israel's rights to defensible borders (2011). In 2009, he debated Justice Richard Goldstone on the veracity of the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. He has written books on the Middle East, including three NYT bestsellers, and his articles appear in major international publications.